Displaying posts published in

September 2014



Does EPA hope to regulate your property?

When CFACT reported on the wetlands maps Congressman Lamar Smith obtained from the EPA, many asked us to post all of the maps. People want to know how EPA’s proposed redefinition of the “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) might impact them.

Here they are.

Check out all ten of EPA’s regional U.S. wetlands maps at CFACT.org.

EPA’s new WOTUS rule may purport to be about water, but people are wising up the the fact that it’s really about controlling land.

Is the United States uderregulated?

The Obama administration thinks so.

The deadline to speak up about EPA’s WOTUS land grab is October 20th. http://cfact.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=87b74a936c723115dfa298cf3&id=1f1ba78898&e=552053f981

Do you know anyone who still needs to sign CFACT’s statement to EPA?

Please forward this email to them.




Like you, I am disturbed by the senseless violence in Israel and the surrounding Middle East, which did not start in June but which has been going on for years.

Especially troubling is the abuse of civilian populations for political goals. No doubt the people of Gaza have suffered, as have Israelis. But the people of Gaza have for the most part been harmed by leaders who have used them as human shields, squandering humanitarian aid on weapons, attack tunnels and fortifications.

As a physician I am particularly bothered by the use of hospitals as military command posts as occurred in Gaza. I have also been distressed by the politicization of medical science for political means, which reached a new low with “An open letter for the people in Gaza” that The Lancet published online on July 22. That letter can be found here.

This resulted in an outpouring of articulate and well-supported responses by physicians, who were appalled by The Lancet’s substitution of distortion and bias for science. This included a response by the Israel Medical Association, published by The Lancet and written by Leonid Eidelman and Arnon Afek. In a single page they pointed out so much of what was right with Israel but was being missed by not just the original letter’s authors, but by the mainstream media and their readers. A copy of that letter is attached.

But one or even a handful of letters is not enough of a response. What is needed is to bring physicians and other healthcare providers to Israel so they can see see the facts on the ground for themselves. This will enable them to better participate in the debate and engage with their colleagues, having been there and seen for themselves what is really taking place.

Attached is a brochure outlining in more detail a unique educational medical mission planned for five days in late October early November. If you are a physician or other healthcare provider, I hope you will come to Jerusalem on October 31 and join us. Please share this with your friends and colleagues as well.

John R. Cohn, M.D.
Professor of Medicine & Pediatrics
Thomas Jefferson University & Hospitals

Asthma Allergy & Pulmonary Associates
1015 Chestnut Street
Suite 1300
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Louis Rene Beres and Leon Edney : A Sea Based Nuclear Deterrence for Israel

A stealthy submarine force would ensure an enemy strike would be suicidal

For Israel, an overriding long-term security requirement must be to deter future attacks with weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by enemy states, especially Iran. Israel will need to fashion a comprehensive and calibrated strategic doctrine that identifies and correlates all available options (deterrence, pre-emption, active defense, strategic targeting and military use of nuclear weapons) with enumerated national-survival goals.

The challenges of an Israeli nuclear-deterrence posture needs discussion, with special reference to twin requirements of perceived ability and perceived willingness. Before any rational adversary could be deterred by an Israeli nuclear threat, that enemy would first need to believe that Israel had both the capacity to launch a nuclear-weapons response for any WMD aggression, and also the will to take such an action. Where it is facing a prospectively irrational strategic enemy, Israel’s deterrence posture would then need to be based upon credible pre-emptive capabilities.

Since its statehood was formally established following World War II, Israel has experienced many periods of intensive rocket and mortar attacks launched intentionally against its cities. In response, with significant American financial support, Israel developed and deployed the Iron Dome system. David’s Sling would defend against the midrange rocket and missile threat; Arrow, against the longer-range, higher-lethality WMD ballistic-missile threat.

During Operation Protective Edge, Iron Dome performed with distinction. In this Gaza War conflict, a less than 100 percent reliability of intercept was judged acceptable. Still, nothing less than a 100 percent reliability of intercept could be tolerable when facing enemy nuclear missiles. The prospective task for Arrow, in any possible future encounters with long-range Iranian ballistic missiles, would be far more complex and demanding.

Israel has always understood the critical need to develop a “great equalizer,” which became its undisclosed nuclear-weapons posture. Doctrinally, Israel has plausibly rejected any notions of nuclear war-fighting; nonetheless, there are still some circumstances where an Israeli nuclear response could be the sole rational option. In any event, nuclear exchanges between Israel and particular enemies could fall under the following comprehensive possibilities: First, enemy-state first strikes launched against Israel would not destroy Israel’s second-strike nuclear capability; second, enemy-state retaliations for an Israeli conventional pre-emption would not destroy Israel’s nuclear counterretaliatory capability; three, conventional Israeli pre-emptive strikes would not destroy enemy-state second-strike nuclear capability; and fourth, Israeli retaliations for enemy-state conventional first strikes would not destroy enemy-state nuclear counterretaliatory capability.


To be an anti-Semite must be wonderful, a truly wonderful life. Hating the Jewish people answers everything.

What a terrific shortcut to whatever troubles you. You’re stopped for drunk driving? Do what Mel Gibson did. Blame the Jews.

Your talentless career is on freefall and you need something to keep your name in the news? Do the Russell Brand shtick and blast away against Israel.

You’re a fading rock star with nothing left to sing, join the Boycott movement, as did Rogers Waters to win new fans.

You’re a failed president who needs to make amends, do the Jimmy Carter shuffle and dance with the people who brought on 9/11.

Nobody pays attention to anything you say because you’re a proven fool, do like Geraldo Rivera and give terrorists every benefit of the doubt.

You’re a Jewish comedian who needs to show the campus crowd that he is not TOO Jewish, take it from Jon Stewart that Israel is always open to defamatory wisecracks.

Satchel Paige warned, “Don’t look back. Something might be gaining on you.”
You’re part of the crowd that marches on campus and around the world shouting, “Jews to the gas” – okay.


Given the unflattering outcomes of “Protective Edge”, govt spokespersons & unofficial apologists tried to put a brave face on things, to assure us that what we got was the best we could get.

Canard: false or unfounded report or story… a groundless rumor or belief
– Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Upon the establishment of the cease-fire, I can say that there is a major military achievement here, as well as a major diplomatic achievement for the State of Israel.
– Binyamin Netanyahu, press conference, August 25.

Hamas’s popularity has skyrocketed in the wake of Operation Protective Edge to the point where… Ismail Haniyeh would win the presidency of the Palestinian Authority if elections were held today, according to a new survey of West Bank and Gaza residents.
– The Jerusalem Post, September 3.

The fighting in Gaza has ended – for now – and government spin doctors are out in force, scrambling to explain the inexplicable: How, after 50 days of combat, could the government claim that it achieved major military and diplomatic successes when Israel was unable to impose its will on a small, lightly armed militia that was hopelessly outnumbered and out-gunned? How could they make their claim with international condemnation sweeping across the globe?

Woe to such ‘victory’