This election- whatever you want to call it- tsunami, wave, ripple….was a real referendum on Obama policies and on liberals gone wild in America. My thumb hurt from continual switching channels for five hours. The coverage was absolutely dim witted and dismal.

On CNN there was the spectacle of Van Jones- the attorney and activist for life who is so radical he had to resign from the Obaminations in 2009, gurgling Gergen and Clinton artifact gmome Paul Begala and terminally insipid Candy Crowley.

But it was Fox News that was so disappointing in its coverage. Bret Baier and Chris Matthews were alright but the beautiful Megyn Kelly who quipped and cackled at her own jokes was annoying and without a clue about the issues that newly elected legislators ran on in both houses. And Kelly took pains to say, several times, that they were not from the “far right.”

No mention of the Keystone pipeline; no mention of the crippling regulations of the EPA that stifle the economy; no mention of opposition to any amnesty in immigration reform; no mention of the opposition to Obamacare; no mention of the need for robust foreign policy and a strong military; no mention of the abandonment of Veterans and the chicanery at so many government  institutions; no mention of any commitment to Israel; no mention of gun rights;  no mention of  the real contribution of the Tea Party to the debate. I could go on and on.

Dave Perdue, Thom Tillis, Cory Gardner, Tom Cotton, Joni Ernst, Ben Sasse, Shelly Moore Capito, and Dr.Bill Cassidy of Louisiana who is chasing Senator Mary Landrieu to a run-off are all real conservatives….not John Boehner clones. Many have been in congress and have a record and campaign sites but none of the team at Fox even checked on the issues they represent.

Here is just an example from the campaign of Dave Perdue who won in Georgia:

Repeal ObamaCare

ObamaCare is an overreaching federal program that will actually reduce the quality of health care and increase costs. I am one of the millions of Americans that had my personal policy cancelled after being told I could keep it. To make matters worse, Obamacare is discouraging full-time job creation. The consequences of politicians passing a massive bill without reading it continue to emerge. We need to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with more affordable free market solutions.

The United States – Israel Relationship

In dangerous times like these, when Israelis are being attacked by a terrorist government that controls the Gaza Strip, my commitment to Israel is not equivocal, “to be determined”, or for sale. I full-heartedly support Israel’s right to defend itself, and as United States Senator, I will strongly support legislation to assist Israel in this time of need. Read more about how I support Israel

These things are on the record but the chickens in the FOX house never bothered to look and offered inanities instead of real election news and opinion.



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