Since May, our teams and allies have investigated the second largest college in Illinois- College of DuPage (COD). We’ve found a “Junior College Gone Wild.” Click here for details.
Since May, our teams and allies have investigated the second largest college in Illinois- College of DuPage (COD). We’ve found a “Junior College Gone Wild.” Click here for details.
In May, we advocated three policies: 1. Freeze Property Taxes, 2. Freeze Tuition, 3. Bring unneeded construction dollars into the Classroom.
We’ve had a lot of success during the past seven months:
Stopped a corrupted $20 million state construction grant
Froze student tuition for the first time in fourteen years
Exposed $100 million in hidden “Imprest” spending- mostly to insiders- since 2009. Much of the spending was on no-bid contracts.
Froze property taxes.
But, it hasn’t been an easy ride.
After we exposed tens of thousands of dollars spent by President, Senior Management, and Trustees on dining, drinking, partying and accepting gifts at student and taxpayer expense, COD Trustee Dianne McGuire compared us and our allies to … Nazi Tyranny. Watch 20 minute diatribe here. When your opponents invoke Nazi’s in a spending debate… You’re Winning.