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Student Leader: ‘No Sympathy’ for Executed NYPD Officers By Daniel Mael

Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered.

“i have no sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter.

Black Muslim Who Quoted Koran Murders 2 NYPD Cops as “Revenge for Garner”: Daniel Greenfield

Here’s what race baiting leads to. The blood of these police officers is on the hands of Bill de Blasio. It’s on the hands of Obama. It’s on Al Sharpton’s hands (but his hands are covered in blood from Crown Heights and Freddy’s) and they’re on the hands of a media that helped whip up the racist rants.

Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley announced on Instagram, They Take 1 Of Ours … Let’s Take 2 of Theirs. And murdered two police officers.

He apparently spoke Arabic and his Facebook page from March 17 included this screenshot of the Koran.

Who Represents German Muslims? by Veli Sirin

The most serious and crushing harm to those Muslims who respect their non-Muslim neighbors and detest the extremists is that many Western commentators appear utterly uninformed about the representatives of the moderate, non-extremist Muslims.

How long will it take before responsible Westerners perceive the struggle among Muslims between extremists and non-extremists, between the radicals and anti-radicals?

A Sunni Muslim funeral for the slain student Tuğçe Albayrak, a German-born 22-year old woman of Turkish descent, was attended on December 3 by 1,500 mourners in Wächtersbach, a town in the western German state of Hesse. Prayers for Albayrak began in the local mosque, which is controlled by the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs [DİTİB], an official arm of the Turkish government that administers Sunni religious affairs in Germany. She was then buried in her hometown, Bad Soden-Salmünster, not far away.


It is anyone’s guess who will get a formal “recognition” from President Obama.

In 2013 it was Somalia….

By Karen DeYoung January 17, 2013

The United States formally recognized the government of Somalia on Thursday for the first time in more than two decades, marking what the Obama administration declared a major policy success in bringing that country back from near-collapse.“Today’s meeting has been a long time in the making,” Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said alongside Somali President Hassan Sheik Mohamud after the two met privately in Washington. “Four years ago, at the start of the Obama administration, Somalia was, in many ways, a different country than it is today,” she said.

As of September 2014 Al-Shabaab remains strong in Somalia exporting terror throughout Africa…

By – Associated Press – Saturday, September 6, 2014

MOGADISHU, Somalia — Somalia’s Islamic extremist rebels, al-Shabab, named Abu Ubeid Ahmed Omar to be their new leader following the killing of previous leader by a U.S. airstrike, said a commander of the group.The Somali militants unanimously selected Omar on Saturday at a meeting in an undisclosed location in Somalia, said rebel commander Abu Mohammed. Omar is believed to be an assumed name, and the new leader’s real name is not known.

http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-state-sponsored-terrorism/5380222 REPORT: May 2, 2014

“The past several years have seen the emergence of a more aggressive set of AQ affiliates and likeminded groups, most notably in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Northwest Africa, and Somalia.”


Common Sense Invades Brussels Over Palestine? by Nick Gray

Nick Gray is Director, Christian Middle East Watch, a British organisation dedicated to objective and factual discussion of Middle Eastern issues, especially of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Nick, who is a regular contributor to The Commentator, blogs at cmewonline.com

Fatah, like Hamas, would like Israel to somehow disappear, but (being “moderate”) they are prepared to wait a bit longer to see it happen. The EU is still no friend of Israel, but in its recent vote it gave Fatah and Abbas a well-deserved snub.

Yesterday’s long-awaited EU Parliament motion on recognition of a Palestinian state became a tussle between the trendy lefties of the EU and the moderate right wingers. To everyone’s advantage, the centre-right grouping of MEPs negotiated a revision that has brought some common sense to the ongoing debate.

The EU Parliament was originally asked to pass a motion that would have asked for unconditional recognition of a Palestinian state that does not yet exist, and may never do so if the Palestinian Authority does not stop inciting its people to hate and kill Israelis.

Unsurprisingly, this emphasis on unconditional recognition was pushed hard by the left-wing party grouping of MEPs, emulating Sweden’s recent official definitive recognition of “Palestine”. Two groups which together command a large majority in the Parliament (the European People’s Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe) used their combined weight to foce a compromise motion.

The final motion that was voted on yesterday afternoon revived the tired concept of the “two-state solution”, saying that the Parliament “…supports in principle recognition of Palestinian statehood and the two-state solution, and believes these should go hand in hand with the development of peace talks, which should be advanced.”


Jeb Bush has announced the formation of a committee to explore a run for the Presidency. He therefore becomes the first official all-but-candidate of Campaign 2016, ahead even of the designated President-in-Waiting, Hillary Clinton. So this March headline appears to have come true:

Influential Republicans Working To Draft Jeb Bush Into 2016 Presidential Race

For a while now I’ve told interviewers that I doubt Hillary will be the Democrat nominee – because she’s a terrible candidate and eventually even she will know that. But I made one exception way back in March: If Jeb Bush jumped in, Mrs Clinton “would be insane not to run”. Now that Jeb has indeed jumped in, I have nothing to add to what I wrote nine months ago:

Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton now and forever, at least until George P Bush marries Chelsea Clinton and the two ruling houses are consolidated into one House of Bush-Clinton-Rodham-Coburg-Gotha. I’ve nothing against Jeb Bush. I happen to disagree with him on “immigration reform”, but he was a competent executive of Florida and he’s a thoughtful and (on his game) gifted speaker. But there are over 300 million people in this country, and, granted that 57 per cent or whatever it’s up to by now are fine upstanding members of the Undocumented-American community, what is it about the Bush family that makes them so indispensable to the Republic as to supply three presidential candidates within a quarter-century? Say what you like about actual monarchy but at least you get a non-hereditary political class: this may seem incredible to Americans but neither Canada’s Stephen Harper, Australia’s Tony Abbott, New Zealand’s John Key nor Britain’s David Cameron is the previous Prime Minister’s brother or wife.

Jeb is campaigning “to restore the promise of America”. A Bush has been on six of the last nine presidential tickets, but the smart money in the GOP thinks they’re so indispensable to the Republic that they should now be given a shot at a third presidency. One man and his sons will have supplied three-fifths of America’s presidents within a quarter-century – in a republic of over 300 million people. I don’t think that’s any way “to restore the promise of America” – and, in fact, like the unconstitutional amnesty, the hideous CRomnibus and the bipartisan debt mountain, it’s another sign of the seedy dysfunctionalism of America’s political institutions.

Jeb Bush and Tenet Healthcare Corp. By Robert Potts

An unsavory connection that will not endear the man to Republican primary voters.

Jeb Bush left the Florida governor’s office in January of 2007, after eight years of service. Three months later, he joined the board of a hospital company that had been pillaging government health programs and abusing patients, in Florida and around the country, for most of the years he sat in the governor’s office.

Apart from a very generous compensation package, why did Bush sign on with such a tarnished company? And will whatever explanation he now offers hold up under the microscope of a presidential campaign?

Tenet Healthcare Corp. is a national for-profit hospital company with a sordid history. In the middle 1990s, operating under a previous name, the company pled guilty to seven federal felonies, paid a record fine for health care fraud and kickbacks, and was placed under special government scrutiny for five years (in what is called a Corporate Integrity Agreement). That deal was arranged by Eric Holder, then U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, and by Charles Ruff, representing the company and later to become President Bill Clinton’s White House counsel.

As soon as that five-year review ended, the same company, now operating as Tenet Healthcare, launched a program to increase profits by gouging Medicare. It took a while for everyone to catch on to the new schemes, but starting in 2002 and running on into 2007, the company faced allegations of fraud, Medicare false claims, patient abuse, overcharging federal health care programs, kickback violations, falsely inflating hospital charges, unnecessary heart operations, unnecessary patient deaths, and SEC violations. Again, the company bought its way out of these charges, paying around $1.7 billion to settle government investigations, government lawsuits, and private lawsuits. And the government signed Tenet up for another five years of special scrutiny, another Corporate Integrity Agreement.

Peter Smith: Praise Allah for Leaders Like Ours

I must be thick. The very many official assurances we keep hearing that Islam is the religion of peace just don’t seem to ring true, not to my ill-educated ears, not with so much bloody hate being spewed and perpetrated in its name

Is it believable? Is it happening? I am afraid it’s true. A former great nation, the birthplace of the civilised modern world, is in the throes of having any remaining shreds of greatness and integrity stripped away by the latest in a succession of weak-kneed, mediocre at best and traitorous at worst, political leaders.

David Cameron is standing in the British Parliament — where giants have stood who must surely be weeping – rightly deploring the latest, most God awful, atrocity committed by Islamists. Is it possible to imagine anything worse than rampaging through a school, deliberately killing 132 children, as happened in Pakistan? How low can human beings sink? Under this destructive Islamic ideology there appear to be no limits.

But apparently, according Mr Cameron, none of this is down to Islam proper. Islam he tells us is a ‘great religion’. It is, he says, a ‘religion of peace’. What we are seeing is a ‘perversion’ of Islam.

So let me get this straight because I didn’t go to a fancy public school or undertake the kind of deep study of Islam that Mr Cameron has evidently undertaken. Each of the now-thousands of modern-day atrocities committed by those loudly claiming that Allah is great are all the result of those owing allegiance to a Mr Hyde version of Islam. The Dr Jekyll version is the true faith.


Here is the pattern as observed in 2006:

… Above all else, understanding jihad and dhimmitude is crucial to understanding what we call the war on terror.

Jihad, of course, means “holy war.” Many Muslims will tell you that it also means “inner struggle,” which is nice and everything, but it’s “holy war” that we, in the non-Muslim world, have to deal with.

Dhimmitude is what follows every successful jihad–if, that is, you happen to be a non-Muslim “dhimmi” who finds himself living under Islamic rule. The term, coined by historian Bat Ye’or, defines a culture of fearful inferiority – legal, social and religious –inhabited by non-Muslims according to sharia, or Islamic law. What is particularly alarming about dhimmitude, as Bat Ye’or has also chronicled, is that this same pattern of deference to Islam has imprinted itself even in non-Islamic countries. Just think back to the craven reaction to Cartoon Rage when most Western media outlets submitted to Islamic religious law (dhimmitude) out of fear of attack (jihad) by not publishing the Mohammed cartoons. …

We can now watch as a new progression of jihad-to-dhimmitude potentially unfolds by taking a look at what’s going on this week [August 2006] in Great Britain.

Last week, we had the disrupted Airplane Plot–an act of jihad averted. We had the ensuing police round-up of Muslim Britons. We had, and have, intense public panic, and an ongoing rupture in “normal” life–in a way, almost as if the plot had gone off as planned.

Then what? I would argue that what’s going on in GB today may be seen as an attempt by British Muslim leaders to use the ongoing threat of jihad by British Muslim terrorists to intensify Islamic influence, which necessarily deepens non-Muslim British dhimmitude.

Dutch Government to Prosecute Heroic PVV Leader Wilders Again by Diana West

The Dutch public prosecutor announced today that legal proceedings will begin against Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders “on charges of insulting a group of people based on race and incitement to discrimination and hatred.”

“The decision to prosecute me is incomprehensible,” Wilders has said in a statement.

Yes it is; but only in a moral, rational Judeo-Christian — i.e., Western — world.

In our world, circa 2014, the decision is perfectly comprehensible. In our world, powerful global elites seek to destroy the indigenous cultures of Europe (and their descendants here) through “multicultural” — read: Marxist and anti-nationhood — policies that ride the pressure plates of expansionist Islam and, additionally in our hemisphere, Hispanic south and central America and beyond.

In a statement released by PVV, Wilders said, “I have said what millions of people think …. For the second time, [the state] apparently wants to deal with someone who speaks the truth. It is a travesty that I have to defend myself in court for this. The Public Prosecutor would do better to devote his time to prosecuting jihadis instead of me. The Party for Freedom is the largest party in the polls. Apparently the elite does not like that.”