To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security, and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**).
U.S. Senate
John McCain (R) Next Election 2016
Jeff Flake (R) Next Election 2018
District 1
Ann Kirkpatrick (D) Incumbent **
“Ending our dependence on foreign oil and investing in a renewable energy economy are important priorities, but my district has dozens of small towns and thousands of small businesses and working families who cannot afford new burdens. I will not support efforts that would harm the local economies in my district or that lack provisions for responsibly transitioning these communities toward a clean-energy economy. I remain committed to finding innovative ways for us to move forward and jump-start our renewable energy economy. Arizona’s first wind farm is in my district, and I would support efforts to attract more such projects.
Statement on vote against Amash Amendment and in favor of Nugent Amendment to H.R. 2397
Jul 26, 2013 : “In the United States, we live in a free and open society. This freedom delivers broad civil liberties but demands vigilance against those who would do us harm. I opposed the Amash Amendment to H.R. 2397 because it would hastily dismantle an important counterterrorism tool that protects our nation. A rushed or reckless overhaul is not the answer. As elected leaders, we have a responsibility to balance individual privacy and national security in a careful, strategic manner.
Adam Kwasman (R) Challenger
Adam Kwasman is an economist and member of the Arizona House of Representatives. He serves as Vice Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and sits on the Appropriations, Commerce, and Joint-Legislative Budget Committees. In the legislature, Adam served as a prime co-sponsor of Transaction Privilege Tax reform, the greatest tax simplification measure in Arizona history.
“The NGS and Kayenta Mine provide thousands of jobs and have a long term multi-billion dollar impact, while providing affordable energy throughout Arizona. Their future is endangered by radical bureaucrats in the Obama Administration’s EPA. The priority for any representative from this district must be saving the Navajo Generating Station from closure.”
“We must do everything necessary to secure the border and end illegal immigration. Arizona’s illegal immigration problem is a threat to national security, and Washington has failed in protecting our citizens. We must defend the citizens of this state.”
“Obamacare is a monstrosity and must be repealed. It raises taxes, creates uncertainty in the marketplace and has prevented employers from hiring, cuts a quarter trillion dollars from Medicare and puts medical decisions in the hands of unelected bureaucrats while premiums skyrocket. Worse, it will not improve outcomes for patients.
Congress should allow health care to be purchased across state lines, making it more affordable for everyone, enable association health plans, expand Health Savings Accounts, and put patients in charge of their own health care.”
Jim Brown (R) Challenger
Andy Tobin (R) Challenger
Gary Kiehne (R) Challenger
District 2