“My first thought was, he lied in every word.” So began Browning’s famous poem and so began Bill O’Reilly’s interview of Obama.
Obama’s game plan was to exploit Bill O’Reilly’s image by rebranding himself as a post-partisan politician with common sense solutions. Repeating his dishonest refrain, “That’s not a liberal or a conservative agenda” or “It’s not a Democratic or Republican thing” he tried to reinvent himself as a politician for all people to the FOX News audience.
Some of the policies that Obama kept insisting were neither liberal nor conservative, neither Democrat nor Republican, included raising the minimum wage, raising taxes and yet another stimulus plan. These policies may be archetypically liberal, but Obama carries his own reality with him, his own mathematics, his own history, his own dictionary and his own moral code which he adapts to the moment.
Julia’s sugar daddy, whose ObamaCare disaster comes packaged with a marriage penalty that can go as high as $10,000, insisted with a straight face that he is always campaigning for family values.
When Obama doesn’t like a question, he rephrases it. Challenged by Bill O’Reilly on the 72 percent out of wedlock birth rate among black women, he rephrased it as a question about the importance of men paying child support and taking responsibility for their children.
But he avoided the M word: marriage.
There was no marriage in the Life of Julia and no marriage mentioned in Obama’s long stumbling reply. No husbands and wives; only “men” like stray dogs being told to take responsibility for their children.
Instead Obama pivoted from child support to the economy to the lack of jobs to education, spinning around until the compass needle pointed right back to his welfare state agenda.