As a young man 30 years ago, I used to fear that the United Nations might in my lifetime pose a threat to the nation-state. A uniglobal, world-government movement that promised to abolish war might, I worried, destroy national sovereignty in the name of an amorphous appeal to “the brotherhood of man” or “our […] Justin Bieber. Miley Cyrus. Lindsay Lohan. Lady Gaga. Snooki. Maybe the answer is to stop paying attention. I have artist friends who say they spend all day in their studios working on art and listening to pleasant music. If you ask them, “So what do you think of the Justin Bieber mess?” they’ll say, […] Bill de Blasio has added two Muslim holidays to the school calendar, but isn’t on board with adding the Hindu festival of Diwali. As usual, this isn’t about diversity, it’s about Muslim Privilege. A spokesman for the Indian community appealed to the mayor to recognize the Hindu holiday. “We are disappointed. We’ve been trying […]
This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Ann-Marie Murrell, the National Director of, Dwight Schultz, a Hollywood Actor, and Tommi Trudeau, the Producer of “Groovy Foods.”
The Gang gathered to discuss Al-Qaeda’s Commands to Morsi. The discussion occurred in Part II (starting at the 7:50 mark) and analyzed the alleged telephone recordings between ousted Egyptian president Muhammad Morsi and Muhammad Zawahiri, al-Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri’s brother.
The episode also analyzed CBS Edits Out Cruz’s Criticism of Obama, Lies of the State of the Union, Malik Obama’s Terrorist Scarf, Hillary “Regrets” Benghazi and much, much more. Watch both parts of the two-part episode below:
Part I: The American left has never had it this good with two terms of an uncompromising leftist in the White House dedicated to its agenda, making and unmaking laws at a whim, siccing the IRS and federal prosecutors on his political enemies and transforming the country at a breathtaking pace. Obama is what generations of […] On my wife’s side, I have a very large family in Fairbanks, Alaska. Culturally, Fairbanks is a lot farther from New York City (where I grew up) or Washington, D.C., (where I live now) than the several thousand miles on the map might suggest. Alaska wins a lot of comparisons, and not just the […] What if Chief Justice John Roberts’s admonition, on the subject of restrictions on independent political advocates, that “enough is enough” had been met with the retort, “Oh, we’re just getting started!”? Consider the travails of Crossroads GPS, a group that operates independently of candidates and is constituted as a social-welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) […] Great Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is threatening to shut down the practice of a general practitioner because he isn’t readily volunteering his patients’ private medical records to a new government data collection program. Dr. Gordon Gancz decided to opt all of his patients out of the “caredata” medical-information scheme due to privacy concerns […] Feminism is not an idea or a collection of ideas but a collection of appetites wriggling queasily together like a bag of snakes. Feminism has nothing to do with the proposition that women should be considered whole and complete members of the body politic, though it has enjoyed great success marketing itself that way. […]
February 1st was National Freedom Day. It commemorates Lincoln’s signing of the House and Senate resolution that later became the 13th Amendment. Lincoln signed the Amendment outlawing slavery on February 1, 1865.
Short of another Civil War, Americans have reached a point verging on the loss of their Constitutional freedoms as ever before. The issue then was slavery, but Americans are rapidly moving toward having their Bill of Rights annulled by a President intent on ruling as a despot, making them slaves of a regime that rules as he wishes, ignoring the Constitution and Congress.
His actions have been supported by the Democratic members of Congress and because Republicans only control the House they have seen their legislative efforts to oppose the regime blocked, often by one man, Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader. The nation’s media with few exceptions have supported or ignored the President’s actions.
Why is this happening? A brief review of the means put forth in Saul Alinski’s “Rules for Radicals”, written by a “community organizer”, outlines what Obama is doing as he seeks to turn America into a socialist state. It is a process that progressives/liberals have been pursuing since early in the last century.