William C. Triplett II is a national security and energy writer in Washington.
Employment booming in the energy sector
As a whole, America’s job numbers are appalling. At least 12.6 million people have dropped out of the work force. Millions of Americans who had a job when George W. Bush was president don’t have one now. Future job prospects look abysmal, clear across the demographics – men, women, teens, minorities, recent graduates and seniors.
Twenty percent of the American population is on food stamps, and there is no answer in sight for the country’s misery, except the American shale revolution.
In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, in passing, President Obama took undeserved credit for increased American oil and gas production before he returned to his usual liberal agenda of government programs, including raising the minimum wage.
What Mr. Obama didn’t tell the American people is this: The oil patch is hiring right now, and the jobs offered pay much better than the federal minimum wage.