San Joaquin Valley, Calif. — “We have the greatest factory anywhere on earth,” Harris Farms’ executive vice president, William Bourdeau, tells me, as our car bumps rapidly along the dirty, uneven track. “These are pistachio trees,” he says, sweeping his hand across the horizon. “Over there, we have asparagus.” He points through the windshield. […] Nowhere has President Obama’s legendary indecision been on more vivid display than in his bizarre dithering over the Keystone XL pipeline, which would move crude oil from the oil sands of Alberta, Canada, to Gulf Coast refineries some 1,700 miles to the south. The southern leg of the pipeline, from Oklahoma to the Gulf, […] Who said: “We’re going to take things from you on behalf of the common good” “It’s time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few…and to replace it with shared responsibility, for shared prosperity” “(We) …can just let business as usual go on […] “Courage Muslim Brothers/You do not walk alone/We will walk with you/And sing your spirit home,” sang demonstrators inside a National Museum of American History atrium during a January 11, 2014, protest calling for closure of Guantanamo Bay’s terrorist detention facility. The demonstration displayed an inverted morality naively proclaiming terrorist detainees innocent while condemning American […] Tuesday night President Obama will deliver another campaign speech, this one marketed as the State of the Union address. As such, we can expect to hear, through the usual white noise of “I,” “me,” and “my,” vacuous bromides like “moving America forward,” and empty promises “to grow the economy, strengthen the middle class, and empower all who hope to join it,” as White […] Three years later, no one talks about the Arab Spring. Its anniversaries pass in rioting and terror; clubs, bombs and juntas mixing together in a bloody cocktail. Protesters die, police die and the liberals who once claimed that the Age of Aquarius had come to the Land of the Nile have turned their faces […] From his prison cell, the confessed mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik in January 2014 circulated a letter in which he repudiated all association with the Counterjihad and anti-Islamists. He gloated over how easy it was to fool the Western mainstream media (MSM) into supporting his intended witch-hunt on peaceful anti-Islamists: The idea was to manipulate […] At Davos, Switzerland on Friday, at the meeting of the World Economic Forum, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu again sounded the Jewish-state theme. After meeting there with U.S. secretary of state John Kerry, Netanyahu told reporters: The meeting was very good. … I restated the two principal issues that concern us: mutual recognition of […]
Of bare breasts and now vaginas: Will Swedish PC madness ever end Breasts that offend adult women and Muslims are not fit for the Swedish parliament’s dining room. But smiling vaginas are perfectly ok for school kids. We promise we are not making this stuff up If Sweden didn’t exist, it would be necessary […] Margaret Thatcher got it. China gets it. The economically illiterate Left doesn’t. Or is it that they would rather see people get poorer rather than forsake the unholy grail of equality? If you want to know why the left is wrong about income inequality, you need to watch this Margaret Thatcher video. In just […]