Earlier this week, The New Yorker published a 17,000 word article by its editor, David Remnick, summarizing his time spent recently in travels with President Barack Obama. That Remnick should get such access to the president is not a surprise, since under his leadership, The New Yorker has shifted in a significant way from a magazine that was once known and widely respected for its fiction, essays and cartoons, to a magazine indistinguishable from many others for its role advancing the favored causes of the Left in the nation’s political wars — whether it be hysteria about climate change, bashing Israel and its American supporters, or mocking Tea Party supporters and their preferred candidates, as well as Republicans of any denomination. Previous editor Tina Brown had turned The New Yorker into a Vanity Fair twin with fewer pictures and longer articles. Remnick has made The New Yorker a close relation of The Nation with more fashion ads and better paper stock, and the one constant — longer articles.
Remnick had already given his loving embrace to Obama in a lengthy biography “The Bridge” that was little read, and now found mainly on remainder shelves or on for a penny for the hardcover edition. Remnick discovered some evidence of creative writing (fiction) in Obama’s memoir, but worked hard to preserve the reputation of the president, ignoring all evidence that Obama was not even the author of the much lauded “Dreams From My Father”. America’s great black hope had to be protected, whatever Remnick discovered (or chose to ignore) in his research for the book.
One part of Remnick’s latest article has gotten a fair amount of attention. After the killing of Osama bin Laden, the administration hoped to coast to a 2012 re-election victory with the theme of “Bin Laden is dead (and so is al-Qaida), but General Motors is still alive.” The attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, provided an inconvenient truth, as if there were not other evidence around, that al-Qaida will still alive and kicking.