Jean Patrick Grumberg journalist. Former lobbyist, he lived in Paris, then in Los Angeles and Tel Aviv, and lives between California and Israel. It is contributing to the website Dreuz and other English and French media.
September 30, 1938, France signed the Munich Agreement to appease Hitler. Back in France, Daladier was acclaimed.
7, 8 and 9 January 2015, affected by the terrorist horror, French leaders, the media, to appease Islam and the suburbs, do not uttered the word jihad, nor the word Islam, and made no reference to the prohibition to reproduce the Prophet Mohammed. They do not conjured the verses of the Qur’an and hadith which order to kill those who lacks respect, and wage war to the Crusaders and Jews to submit them.
A voice rose in 1938 against the cowardly capitulation allies. Churchill “you had the choice between war and dishonor.You chose dishonor, and you will have war. »
In 2015, tragically, no voice denounces dishonor and capitulation of France.

You are not Charlie

Charlie refused censorship and prohibition to represent the prophet of Islam. You are censored to appease Islam.
In 2005, Charlie has published the cartoons of Mohammed that the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten had printed “to contribute to the debate on criticism of Islam and self-censorship.”

Media, you had not published the cartoons of the prophet. You had not supported Charlie. You were not Charlie.

You never had the guts to criticize Islam and defy censorship.

Do not claim courage, freedom of speech you do not. Do not say you’re Charlie.
You are not Charlie, you’ve never been.
On January 7, the day of the attack on Charlie Hebdo, instead of displaying solidarity with its struggle against self-censorship, you still chose appeasement and submission. You do not have published the cartoons that have caused the death of their authors. You are not Charlie, you’ve never been.
You had the choice between war against censorship of Islam and disgrace. You chose dishonor, you have the confidence, and you’ll have Islam.

You’re not Charlie.

With small papers, “I am Charlie,” you were impostors.
Did you self-confident of bravery you have not, you’ve never had, and that you will ever have.
I am the first to understand and respect that the editor chooses to protect the lives of its journalists and censoring the cartoons. But certainly not claiming at the same time refusing to censorship.
Certainly not seeking excuses that exempt the jihadists so as not to offend Muslim organizations.
I have respect for the French that hundreds of thousands braved the cold of winter and expressed their emotion. But we do not speak of solidarity. Oh, if they had at least brandished a caricature of the Prophet, name barbarism would have made sense.

  • A Manuel Valls who rejoiced that Islam is the second religion of France,
  • A Bernard Cazeneuve who said on RTL that “it is not a crime to advocate jihad”
  • A Hollande who claimed that immigration is a chance for France,
  • Intellectuals, Edwy Plenel head, cooing that “this is a huge opportunity for France to be the first Muslim country in Europe”
“God laughs at those who deplore the effects which they continue to cherish the causes.” But Bossuet was probably an amalgam.
The UOIF and who filed a complaint against Charlie for incitement to racial hatred, they are Charlie?
The UOIF and who had filed a complaint against Charlie for incitement to racial hatred, they are Charlie themselves too? Yet you have invited to the march of national unity on Sunday, not to offend, to appease them.
Yesterday the French were in the streets I was saying. All French? No suburb Islamized, who rejoiced on Twitter and Facebook, in schools and to the TV, the prophet be avenged.
What politician, what commentator, regardless reporter had the audacity to raise? Blindness some will say. The reality: they chose self-censorship to appease the suburbs and printing imposture “I’m Charlie. »
Jeannette Bougrab, the former minister and companion Charb who was killed in the attack, had these worthy words, pointing his finger to the political and journalistic class “Charb died standing up. He died for defending our freedoms against fundamentalism … we lost time against radical Islam. »

You are not Charlie, you’re Chamberlain.

Yesterday the French were in the streets I was saying. All Charlie? They were resistant too, when De Gaulle announced the victory of the French people. The shameful reality did not stay secret for long. Neither in 1945 nor in 2015.
All Charlie while they accept the passive construction of mosques, the cost of immigration and refugees with their taxes, humiliation of their leaders who explain that defend their identity is racist, they must change to avoid shame ?

They are not Charlie, they bowed their heads for too long.

And none stands up against Islamization of France

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