What Winston Churchill Said About Islam in 1899 Would Get Him ARRESTED in the UK Today


As the world watches the rise of an Islamic State Caliphate in the Middle East, and witnesses jihadist attacks launched in ones and twos, more and more leaders are admitting that Western civilization is involved in a war against radical Islam.
Though technology has certainly changed, and Western society has made incredible advancements, the enemy that is radical Islam remains virtually unchanged from today to the 19th century, even back to the 7th century.

Legendary British Prime Minister Winston Churchill wrote a book in 1899 called The River War detailing the British reconquest of the Sudan. In it, Churchill had some harshly critical, but true, statements regarding the Muslim extremists facing the British soldiers.
Churchill said, “The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”
Though Winston Churchill remains a vaunted and revered symbol amongst the British people, sadly his comments would get him arrested today in the United Kingdom, according to The Blaze.
British politician Paul Weston, who is a member of the Liberty GB party in the U.K., was arrested by the police and charged with a racially aggravated crime and failure to disperse after reading that exact same passage, along with others, from Churchill’s book on the streets of modern-day Great Britain last year.
The U.K. has put in place some rather strict, but ambiguous, “hate speech” laws, which have essentially criminalized the act of speaking the critical truth, and even the innocuous truth, if such truth be deemed offensive by certain aggrieved members of society.
But Churchill was right, and so is Paul Weston, and Western society would do well to listen to them regarding the dangers posed by radical Islam. No longer will liberal tolerance of radical Islam provide any security from the violence of said radicals, and further tolerance will result only in a “cultural suicide” by Western civilization.

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