Georgetown’s Bridges Initiative is a highway to Sharia.
Nothing bad happened in the West after the publication of the Danish cartoons in 2006. Nobody died.” “There is no more anti-Semitism in the West anymore. The ‘Jewish Question’ has been settled with equality.”
These are just some of the lies spewed forth by “esteemed panelists” at the launch of Georgetown University’s Bridges Initiative [2], which embodies a new approach and stepped up efforts for the Islamist propaganda campaigns waged by the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU).
On April 30, 2015, in Jesuit Georgetown University’s Healy Hall, amidst paintings of priests and Christian imagery, The Bridges Initiative was launched. The event was titled, “A Conversation on Islamophobia” [3]. The motto of the campaign is “Protecting Pluralism – Ending Islamophobia.”