Obama’s Negotiation (Surrender) Strategy By Jan Mel Poller

I just listened to President Obama’s announcement about his new, changed, unchanged negotiating, and non-negotiating strategy with hostage takers. As usual, you could pick out sentences to support any position that you think he has taken.

President Obama claims that the United States does not negotiate with terrorists. However, we know that he has negotiated with:

· The Taliban

· The Palestinian Authority

· Hamas

· Hezbollah

· The Muslim Brotherhood

· Iran

President Obama negotiated with the Taliban to trade 5 high high-ranking terrorist held in Gitmo for a deserter. He then held a Rose Garden ceremony with the deserter’s parents. The father praised Allah in Arabic.

That was nothing more than a surrender to Taliban Islamic terrors and a promotion of his own ideology.

He is now negotiating a deal with Terrorist-supporting Iran. Even his own State Department identifies Iran as a supporter of terrorism. His strategy is to surrender to Iran’s demands no matter how they eviscerate a no-nukes deal. According to today’s reports, he is even willing to give Iran light-water nuclear reactors!

At the same time, he will not bring up Americans held in captivity by the Ayatollahs of Iran. He will do nothing to jeopardize the signing of a “deal” (surrender) no matter the consequences.

He refused to get involved with the arrest of an American veteran by Mexico.

And he wants Israel to make concessions (surrender) to the Palestinian Authority so that the PA will come back to the negotiating table where the will just make more demands.

While it appears that Obama will do anything he can to destroy Israel (surrender to any and all Palestinian Authority, let Iran eventually have nukes) he is also willing to jeopardize Americans and America.

After all, Iranians chant “Death to America” as well as “Death to Israel”.

It is worse than Neville Chamberlin when he said “Peace in our time” and “We can do business with Hitler”. That only cost about 100 million lives. A nuclear armed Iran can kill a whole lot more people than WW-II did.

I fear that Congress and the American people will not stand up to President Obama and his strategy of Surrender.

The word “appeasement” does not fit nor apply. Surrender applies.

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