Happening right here in the USA….erasing and air brushing history to enable self loathing and “blame America first.” rsk
One hundred years ago this month, the six-day Battle of Lone Pine came to an end on the Gallipoli Peninsular. All these years later, the ghosts of those long-gone Diggers face an enemy even more implacable than Johnny Turk, as Meryn Bendle chronicles in his latest book
Anzac and Its Enemies: The History War on Australia’s National Identity
by Mervyn F. Bendle
Quadrant Books, 2015, 343 pages, $44.95
For most Australians, the Anzac legend born in the First World War represents precisely those values which Australians cherish—courage, initiative, egalitarianism, mateship, loyalty and sacrifice. While this is at the heart of Australia’s national identity, with its celebration centred on Anzac Day, it is detested by a powerful group who loathe Australia. In Anzac and Its Enemies Mervyn Bendle explains the origins of the Anzac tradition and exposes the long campaign against it.
The ultimate wish of the campaigners, first the Communist Party and its allies and then the intellectual elites, is not only to destroy the legend. It is to replace it with a national self-loathing about almost everything in our history which most Australians hold dear.