“Down Under” Australia just suffered an election defeat. Here is an up front comment by Quadrant (Australia’s eminent conservative magazine) contributor Merv Bendle which is totally applicable to our own nation:

The path forward for conservatives is clear, now that the coup executed by Malcolm Turnbull has eradicated any illusions that the Liberal Party led by Tony Abbott could be an effective bulwark against the evermore intrusive power of the state as it seeks completely to colonize civil society and dominate every aspect of life.

All of these areas of public policy share one crucial characteristic – they involve the mobilization of state power to impose vast new structures of tightly regulated behaviour upon society that would not otherwise have evolved of their own accord. They also necessitate massive bureaucracies based on the Promethean assumption that the almost infinite intricacies of social, economic, and ecological life can be grasped, modelled, manipulated, and directed by the apparatus of the state …..”

Which of the candidates debating tonight gets this and what corrective suggestions could be offered?

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