Find out what’s going on in your community with ‘refugee resettlement’ By Carol Brown ****

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Muslim invaders are arriving in cities and towns across America, with many more to come. Perhaps you’ve seen your town transformed. If not, you soon may. It’s call “refugee resettlement” which is code for transplanting entire communities from hellholes in the Middle East to once beautiful towns and neighborhoods across America.

There are many things we all need to know to ward off this systematic destruction of our communities, and indeed our country. Below you will find vital information, including ways to take action. First I will explain some of the factors that impact how invaders wind up where they do.

Preferred Communities Program (PCP):  This program targets small towns and rural areas for refugee resettlement. The rationalization is that these settings are best suited to attend to the myriad needs of refugees as compared to large cities, and that smaller communities are more welcoming to refugees. PCP collaborates with the Office of Refugee Resettlement and partner agencies to identify communities they deem most ideal for refugee resettlement. Here’s the deal: Small towns and rural communities often have easy access to public assistance programs. That’s it. It’s all about where to get free money and services. (That’s how you wind up with pockets of Somalis in places like Wyoming.) Meanwhile, conservative areas of the country are being targeted, helping to turn red states to blue. For additional information on PCP, including lists of designated “preferred communities,” see here and here.

Welcoming Communities: These communities fall under the umbrella of “Welcoming America,” an organization devoted to refugee support. See their mission statement: “Welcoming America inspires people to build a different kind of community– one that embraces immigrants and fosters opportunity for all. We are leading a movement of inclusive communities across the nation becoming more prosperous by making everyone who lives there feel like they belong.” The vision for this organization is about importing increasing numbers of migrants under the banner of diversity, inclusion, and prosperity — a trio of politically correct buzzwords that appeal to the brainwashed masses. The “different kind of community” to which they refer is part of the fundamental transformation. (As I wrote about in a recent blog, Boise, Idaho, is a “welcoming community.”)

Wilson-Fish (WF):  This program shifts control and decision-making power from the states to the federal government on issues pertaining to refugee resettlement and the provision of public and private services to refugees. There are currently 13 WF states:  Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Vermont. San Diego County, CA, is also a designated WF region. As you will notice, the majority of these states are red states. What’s up with their governors? We need to educate them. (WF is one reason why Idaho, of all places, is a hot spot for Muslim conquest.) If you live in a WF state, lobbying against refugee resettlement will be a bit more complex since your governor does not have direct authority to make decisions on this issue. In order to do so, he or she would first need to change the status of the state so it was no longer a WF state. To learn more about WF see here.

Charities, Corporations, and the Chamber of Commerce:  There is money to be made off of invaders in the form of cheap labor for business and large grants for charities. Many of the organizations reaping these benefits are integrally involved in the programs discussed above. It is crucial to find out who the corporate and non-profit players are in your community so you can apply pressure on them to cease and desist.

There are many more individuals (like George Soros) and organizations (like the Partnership for a New American Economy) that are advocating for this invasion, but those noted above are some of the big ones.

So who is trying to stop this and how can we take action? See below for a few ideas.

Refugee Resettlement Watch:  Ann Corcoran is the founder of Refugee Resettlement Watch. She is a force of one — a private citizen who became curious, educated herself, and formed an amazing organization that is on the front lines of this battle of the ages. She serves as an example for us all of what an individual can (and must) do to protect our families and communities. This excerpt from the “About” section summarizes how the organization came into being. As you will read at the end, Corcoran makes herself available to speak with concerned citizens about refugees being settled in their communities. (A 4-min video that offers a succinct summary of who she is and what she’s doing can also be found here.)

Eight years ago it came to our attention in Washington County MD that a non-profit group (Virginia Council of Churches) had been bringing refugees into the city of Hagerstown (county seat) for a couple of years. Some problems arose and citizens started to take an interest and ask questions about how this federal program works. Our local paper had no interest in finding the facts, so we decided to find them ourselves.

One of the many startling things we found out about this very quiet effort is that these non-profit groups bring to the US on average each year 15,000 (FY90-FY03) Muslim refugees from the Middle East, Africa, the Balkans, etc, almost completely funded by the US Government through grants and contracts to these non-government agencies….  Although we all have sympathy for persecuted and suffering people there are real questions to be answered about the wisdom of this policy.

It turns out that there are hotbeds of this refugee resettlement controversy throughout the US. We have identified some of those. Because the issue is much more complicated than we initially realized, we have set up this online community organizing center at

If you have information or questions from your communities about Refugee Resettlement please get in touch with Ann Corcoran at

ACT for America:  Brigitte Gabriel, the founder and CEO of ACT, is another force of nature. ACT for America is currently implementing a citizen action campaign to apply pressure on mayors who are eager to import refugees into their communities, including mayors in charge of cities in the following 14 states: CA, CT, GA, IL, MA, MO, MD, MN, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, and RI. ACT for America has a web form citizens can use to send letters to the mayors currently under scrutiny, here. ACT for America has chapters throughout the United States. I would urge AT readers to join if you are not already a member. (Act for America is one among many organizations doing exceptional work. They need our support and involvement.) For those not familiar with Gabriel’s heroic work, or for those who could use a bit of inspiration, here are two videos of her speaking at the Values Voters Summit (this year and last year). You will not regret time spent listening to her. Videos of Gabriel’s speeches and interviews deserve to be distributed far and wide.

Maps and Contact Lists

This is a list of members of Congress who are pressuring Obama to speed up screening of Syrian refugees so they can be imported more quickly.

This is where you can find information about elected officials and businessmen who support the Partnership for a New American Economy (an organization that peddles the idea that immigration helps our economy).

This is information about legislation proposed by Congressman Brian Babin (TX-R) to suspend Obama’s plan to import hundreds of thousands of Muslim invaders. (For more information see here, here, and here.)

This is a list of refugee resettlement contacts by state. It is a resource to find out what’s going on in your state, including plans for admitting more refugees. (The list is from 2014, so it is not absolutely current.)

This is a list of charities that are integrally involved in refugee resettlement by state. (Additional lists can be found here and here.)

This is a list of “preferred communities.”

This map shows the locations of “welcoming communities.”

This map shows where there are concentrations of programs and services for refugees.

These maps show states with high concentrations of refugees, high concentrations of mosques, and hot spots for terror activity. (And of course it all correlates.)

Take Action

Many (most?) of us feel tired, hopeless, and cynical — saddened and enraged that our voices seem to fall on deaf ears. But we cannot use this as a reason to stop speaking out in any and all ways possible. How can we walk away from a brave legacy of Americans fighting against all odds? How can we ignore the human history of movements that pushed back against tyranny and evil — movements that were long and arduous?

We are 1500 years into this battle. Each of us must do our part. Join organizations working to block the wholesale importation of Muslims who will destroy America from within. Support elected officials and/or candidates who are on the right path. Contact elected officials who are taking us down the wrong road, even if you think your voice won’t matter. Maybe it won’t. But maybe we are in a moment in time that is a small building block of something larger to come. I have no idea. How can we not try without relent?

Don’t hope or assume someone else will pick up the torch. Even if someone else does and even if we do, as well, there are still not enough of us. Let’s change that.

We are foot soldiers without a leader. But soldier on, we must.

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