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January 2016

America’s Year of Living Dangerously In 2016, rogue states will take a hammer to the soft plaster of Obama’s resolve. Bret Stephens

Two thousand sixteen will be the year of America living dangerously. Barack Obama will devote his last full year in office to shaping a liberal legacy, irrespective of real-world results. America’s enemies will see his last year as an opportunity to take what they can, while they can. America’s allies, or former allies, will do what they must.

And then Hillary Clinton will likely become president. Whether the Republican Party chooses to remain intact remains to be seen.

For aficionados of political delusion, it must have been fun to watch Mr. Obama rattle off his list of foreign-policy accomplishments at his year-end press conference last month. There was the Paris climate deal, the Iran nuclear deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, the opening to Cuba—“steady, persistent work,” the president said, that was “paying off for the American people in big, tangible ways.”

Tangible means perceptible by touch. But the Paris climate accord is voluntary and unenforceable; the Pacific trade deal is unratified and unpopular, especially among Democrats; the opening to Cuba is “tangible” only if you enjoy taking your beach holiday in a dictatorship that, as my colleague Mary O’Grady has noted, made some 8,000 political arrests in 2015—that is, after it normalized relations with the U.S.

Twitter’s Blue Bird of Sharia Compliance Edward Cline

Twitter seems to be in partnership with the U.S. House of Representatives in its determination to culturally enrich America with Sharia speech restrictions.

Twitter seems to be in partnership with the U.S. House of Representatives in its determination to culturally enrich America with Sharia speech restrictions. On December 22nd I reported, in my Rule of Reason column, “A Congressional Overture to Censorship,” on House Resolution 569, submitted on December 17th to the House committee process, which in its content and intent, preempted Twitter’s January 1st, 2016, publication of its new rules that prohibit the promotion of hate content, “sensitive” topics, and the advocacy of violence globally. Ostensively, it is a stab at combating terrorists from using Twitter as a means of communication to its allies and its enemies, but it is too coincidental with both the Congressional resolution and the OIC’s Sharia compliance plans. Here is a copy and paste from Twitter’s support page.

What products or services are subject to this policy?


A recent Heritage Foundation panel – worth watching in full online – welcomed Muslim reformers from around the world to speak about the doctrinal roots of global dangers emanating from Islam today. The Washington, D.C. event was refreshingly frank about the urgency in fighting the violence in Islam.

Former Pakistani parliamentarian and author Farahnaz Ispahani called “Islamic extremism is the primary national security and human rights concern of the world today.” In a play off of the Islamic doctrine of Dar al-Islam, or House of Islam, Danish-Syrian parliamentarianNaser Khader compared Christian and Islamic civilizations to two houses. “In the past, there were lots of wrongdoings in the name of Jesus,” he said. “But today, Christianity is a beautiful house.” He touched on human rights abuses that mark the Islam house’s dilapidation and impressed upon the audience the necessity of Islamic reform. “If we don’t start this enormous renovation project, I am afraid the house will collapse and turn even worse.”