Obama Administration Plans to Expand Malaria Effort by $200 Million New funding would increase the initiative’s budget to $874 million in fiscal 2017 By Betsy McKay…Please see note


“We’ve come closer than ever to banishing the scourge of malaria from the planet,” National Security Advisor Susan Rice said in a speech Monday outlining the spending plan.”

This statement by Susan Rica is as false as blaming a video for Benghazi. Malaria was largely eliminated in Africa with the use of DDT…the false and destructive muse of false environmentalism, Rachel Carson damned the use of DDT with misleading and poorly researched information in her book “Silent Spring” and doomed three generations of Africans to the agony and devastation of malaria. Read “DDT Should Not Be Banned-This insecticide is critical for controlling a dangerous upsurge in malaria “By John Dyson of Harvard Center for International Development” http://www.cid.harvard.edu/cidinthenews/articles/SA_Readers_Digest_1200.html


The Obama administration plans to use an additional $200 million to expand its fight against malaria, expanding services to 70 million more people in Africa and accelerating a global effort to eradicate the disease.

The boost in funding for the President’s Malaria Initiative—which must be approved by Congress for fiscal 2017—would expand malaria prevention and control services to 332 million people in West and Central Africa, or 92% of those at risk there, officials said. The money would also be used to help two countries eliminate malaria: Zambia, where the national government and multiple international organizations have developed a strong program, and Cambodia, an epicenter of emerging resistance by malaria-carrying parasites to antimalarial drugs.

The new funding—$129 million of which the administration said would come from unspent Ebola emergency-response funds—would increase the initiative’s budget to $874 million in fiscal 2017. The initiative would use the funds to bring its services to three new countries—Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast and Cameroon—and to expand existing services in Burkina Faso, said a senior U.S. Agency for International Development official. READ MORE AT SITE


President Barack Obama pledged in his State of the Union address in January to intensify the U.S.’s war on malaria, saying “we have the chance” to end it.

The President’s Malaria Initiative, a program launched in 2005 by then-President George W. Bush, has played a major role in reducing malaria transmission by distributing mosquito bed nets, spraying homes to eliminate mosquitoes, diagnosing and treating the disease, and administering preventive treatment for pregnant women. Its work is focused in 19 countries.

The initiative would also help Cambodia to eliminate malaria before drug resistance spreads further, the senior USAID official said. The elimination goal in Zambia is ambitious, but the country was chosen partly because it has strengthened its malaria program and put more of its own money into health overall, the official said.

The new funds would go to buy insecticide-treated mosquito bed nets for 27 million people and invest in research and development of new diagnostic tests, antimalarial drugs and weapons against the mosquitoes that spread malaria, officials said.

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