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March 2016






Campus Rape at the Oscars By Marilyn Penn

As Lady Gaga’s voice soared with emotion while performing “Til It Happens to You,” her song from “The Hunting Ground” (co-written with Diane Warren), masses of young women along with some men strode out on-stage with their forearms extended to reveal words of victimhood imprinted on them. Most disturbing was the word “survivor” recalling the term commonly associated with victims of the holocaust. Possibly lost on under-educated people below the age of 60 was the symbolism of that forearm, the site of numbered tattoos forcefully stamped on prisoners of Auschwitz and other concentration camps by Nazi exterminators. Tears could be seen in the eyes of the sensitive audience and defiance in Gaga and her gang as they represented the latest p.c. special interest group – Victims of Campus Rape. But there is zero similarity between that experience and the horrific plight of holocaust survivors subjected to starvation, torture, sadistic experiments and the most brutal modes of murder.

Current estimates are that one in five college students will experience campus rape. If you’re thinking of an assault in a dark alley by an unknown male brandishing a weapon or threatening violence, think again. According to statistics compiled by Campus Safety Magazine, 43% of victims have consumed excessive alcohol while a scorching 90% of “acquaintance rape” involves that substance. 84 % of women victims are freshmen or sophomores – under age for any alcohol consumption, much less binge drinking. And 38% of college victims are women who claim to have been victimized before, making this the best predictor for any campus rape. Male aggressors who have consumed alcohol are held legally responsible for their actions; females who report that they were too drunk to give consent are foolishly exempt from responsibility for that condition. While no one disputes that in the trendy, free-wheeling lifestyle of many campuses some violent rapes occur, a more common scenario is a young girl who knows and may like her partner but has drunk too much to be in control of herself and later regrets being taken advantage of.

5 Chinese women immigrate to Israel, plan conversion

Members of Kaifeng community, believed to be founded by 8th- or 9th-century Jewish traders, to undertake formal process to become Jews

For the first time in 7 years, 5 young women in their 20’s from China’s historic Jewish community have made Aliyah and are presently living in Israel. They were brought to Israel via the Shavei Israel organization. The women, Gao Yichen, Yue Ting, Li Jing, Li Yuan, and Li Chenglin, have been studying Hebrew and Judaism intensively in Kaifeng for the past several years prior to their Aliyah.

“Kaifeng’s Jewish descendants are a living link between China and the Jewish people,” Shavei Israel Chairman Michael Freund stated. “After centuries of assimilation, a growing number of the Kaifeng Jews in recent years have begun seeking to return to their roots and embrace their Jewish identity. These five young women are determined to rejoin the Jewish people and become proud citizens of the Jewish state and we are delighted to help them realize their dreams.”

“Being part of the Jewish people is an honor because of the heritage and wisdom,” said Li Jing, who on a brief previous visit to Israel put a note of prayer in the Kotel asking to return and live in Israel. “Now, my prayer has been answered,” she said. After the 5 women arrived in Israel, they were brought by Shavei Israel to the Kotel to pray and from there will be studying in a seminary in Jerusalem. After they formerly convert to Judaism, they will receive Israeli citizenship.

Trump Triumphed Due to Downward Mobility : David Goldman

It’s still a horse race, but only just: Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday victories in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Virginia, Arkansas and Massachusetts outweigh the Ted Cruz victory in his home state of Texas and neighboring Oklahoma. The Republican Establishment will not close ranks around Cruz as the last candidate capable of beating Trump. Marco Rubio’s consolation price was the Minnesota caucuses with 37% of the vote.

For the past six months my Republican friends and I have Donald Trump’s ascendancy and asked ourselves whether the voters had gone crazy. The voters aren’t crazy. We in the Republican elite were crazy: we thought we could allow the American economy to remain a rigged game indefinitely. The voters think otherwise. That’s why Trump is winning. That’s also why Bernie Sanders, the least likely presidential candidate in living memory, gave Hillary Clinton a run for her money. If you don’t give people capitalism, the late Jude Wanniski used to say, they’ll take socialism.

Americans are shrewd. You can’t spit on them and tell them it’s raining. They know the game is rigged against them. They know it’s rigged the same way that they know a lottery is rigged: There aren’t any winners. They know that they are downwardly mobile because they aren’t upwardly mobile. Americans don’t mind playing against bad odds–they play the lottery all the time–but they think that they are playing against zero odds. Ordinary Americans had an outside chance to get rich until 2008. Now they have no chance at all.

Upward mobility is America’s gauge of well-being. It’s not the decline of median family income that gets under Americans’ skin, but the perception that the elites have pulled the ladder up behind them. During the quarter-century after Ronald Reagan’s inauguration, it was only a slight exaggeration to say that someone in every family got rich. They bought a cable television franchise, started a website, got some stock in a high-flying tech company, flipped real estate, or ran a small business that became a big business. Inequality didn’t bother Americans as long as they had a chance at a winning ticket–not necessarily a fair chance, but at least the kind of chance that paid off occasionally for ordinary people. As long they could see that people like them were becoming rich, they kept playing the game.