John Kerry, Joe Biden to speak at Jerk Street conference

US Secretary of State John Kerry will deliver remarks at the J Street 2016 National Gala on Monday at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center.
Additionally, Vice President Joe Biden will also deliver remarks. This year’s honorees include Ambassador Samuel Kaplan, Ambassador Louis Susman, and Ambassador Alan Solomont.

The diplojerks are:

Samuel Louis Kaplan was United States Ambassador to Morocco. He was appointed ambassador in 2009 by President Barack Obama

Alan D. Solomont is the former United States Ambassador to Spain and Andorra. He was selected for the post by President Barack Obama.  Solomont serves on the boards of numerous leftist organizations including  The Jewish Fund for Justice, The New Israel Fund, Israel Policy Forum

Louis B. Susman is an American lawyer, retired investment banker, and the former United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom. Appointed by Obama after the statue of Churchill was returned.

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