Islamic State Backers Cheer Attack in Nice Truck attack in France hasn’t been claimed by any group yet

Supporters of Islamic State on social media cheered the truck attack in the southern French city of Nice that killed at least 80 people, though the extremist group hasn’t yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

Late on Thursday, a truck driver slammed into a crowd packed with families that had come to see the Bastille Day celebratory fireworks at the seaside promenade, killing and injuring scores of people. President François Hollande said the attack had “undeniable traits of terrorism.”

Pro-Islamic State accounts on social media celebrated the attack, according to SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist activity. Related messages—many of which were made in a coordinated fashion—expressed the belief that the extremist group was responsible for the attack, though the attack has so far not been claimed by any group, SITE said.

As it suffers setbacks in its self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq that have made it harder for recruits to join the group on the battlefield, Islamic State has increasingly called for more attacks elsewhere. In recent weeks, supporters with suspected or confirmed ties to Islamic State have launched deadly strikes in Turkey, Iraq and Bangladesh.

The attack in Nice came after a series of deadly terrorist attacks in France over the last two years, including one of the bloodiest assaults in the country’s history in November, when a series of attacks in Paris left 130 people dead. Last month, a man who pledged allegiance to Islamic State killed a police captain and his companion in a suburb of the French capital.

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