CLEVELAND — Hillary Clinton’s appalling address to black activists yesterday suggests that she may be an even more fanatical supporter of the dangerous, violent Black Lives Matter movement than Barack Obama.
Clinton is clearly now the Black Lives Matter candidate. Spewing lies and half-truths, she has become increasingly radical on the issue of race relations in recent months. The former secretary of state, U.S. senator, first lady, and now presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, speaks warmly of those black criminals who kill police, claiming that there are root causes that somehow at least partly justify those murderers.
In her speech at the NAACP annual convention in Cincinnati yesterday, Clinton said “systemic racism,” something that doesn’t exist in America, needs to be eliminated. She perfunctorily denounced the recent spate of cop killings that her party has otherwise cheered on by endorsing Black Lives Matter. (A transcript is available here.)
“This madness has to stop,” she said, while demanding that the prisons be emptied through so-called criminal justice reform.
But Clinton is not a natural orator.
Obama, by contrast, is expert at bouncing between rhetorical reverence for nonviolent action and a refusal to condemn violent activism, which is tantamount to endorsing violent activism. Obama pronounces the activist’s cause just and the rest follows. No matter how terrible the political violence perpetrated, if Obama agrees with those perpetrating it, he soothingly rationalizes the evil conduct away. For the most part Obama sounds good while lying to your face, at least when he is being guided by a teleprompter.
Clinton may be a practiced, pathological liar, but she is not the smooth talker that Obama is.
She is a screamer and an annoying one. When giving speeches she is wooden and shrill even when the coughing fits that signal her poor health shut her down in mid-speech. The fact that professional feminists shriek that calling Hillary shrill is sexist in no way changes the fact that she is shrill. She has trouble modulating her voice, unable to build up to an emotional crescendo. She just suddenly gets angry and strident reading her prepared text and starts shouting. Her voice and her delivery grate on the nerves of normal people.