
Islamic radicals know how important it is to influence the Muslim youth in order to shape their impressionable minds for jihad. Some jihadists don’t even wait until children are out of diapers before they start indoctrinating them. The UK’s Express reports that an Islamic nursery (“part of a larger Islamic association” with aneducation center for kids up to eighteen years old) in the Floridsdorf District of Vienna, Austria has been linked to terrorism and is now closed. ISIS’s Mohamed Mahmoud and Firas H. were known to have went to the school. Apparently the teachers at the nursery were giving Quran lessons to youngsters up to three years old despite being warned not to do so by authorities in Austria. In addition, the teachers were supposedly “badly trained and had poor language skills[.]” Unfortunately, other Austrian nurseries have also been known to radicalize its children:

Over the past months, Islamic nurseries have been hitting the headlines in Austria after one in the Viennese district of Favoriten was described by Austrian daily newspaper Osterreich as a place where “holy war” was taught.

Furthermore, the UK’s Express cites a study that reveals“Islamic nurseries were forcing boys and girls to praise Sharia law and reject the Western way of life.” Individuals such as Professor Ednan Aslan, from the University of Vienna’s Institute for Islamic Studies, have alluded to theparallel society within Austria that many Muslim parents are creating for their kids. Aslan states, “Many parentswant to create a one hundred percent Islamic environment for their children[.]” This sounds a lot likeSharia, which is an all-encompassing ideology that dictates every part of a Muslim’s life. This not only hinders “integration” efforts but one could argue this kind of social isolation from Austrian society also makes Muslim kids more susceptible to radical jihadist influences within the Islamic community. If Muslim toddlers are essentially being taught to hate their country and to despise its laws why wouldn’t they look down on their fellow Austrians and even go so far as to wage jihad? Children deserve better than to be taught Islamism and jihad by their superiors. This type of indoctrination is despicable and the dangers of Sharia law being taught from the nursey to theuniversity needs to be addressed by Western countries. The next generation of Islamic radicals are learning their ABCs in Sharia while much of the West looks the other way.

Bruce Cornibe writes for http://counterjihad.com/

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/jihadi-nursery-rhymes#ixzz4GvJ6shg7
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