Ignorance is Not Bliss : Edward Cline


As far as the State is concerned, when it comes to reporting Muslim crimes, “mum’s the word.” The State doesn’t want you to know.

I left this comment on an October 26th Gatestone column by Soren Kern, “Germany’s Migrant Rape Crisis: Where is the Public Outrage?”:

“Where is the public outrage?” The outrage did not exist because the federal government and the local police forces withheld information about the identity of the criminals in an effort to ameliorate public opposition to the invasion of hundreds of thousands of “refugees,” most of whom were fully grown males. But now, as sporadic news stories are reporting, the German public is waking up to the stories that have been suppressed in a futile and dishonest effort to “educate” the public and not “stigmatize” whole races or religions. The government and the local police would rather “stigmatize” groups opposed to “immigration.” That policy is also beginning to fall apart, as well. In its efforts to keep Germans in the dark about the perilous situation Germans are in, it is laying the groundwork for possibly a civil war between the duped Germans, immigrants, and the government itself. What brilliance!

In the meantime, in Britain, Her Majesty’s government has seen fit to “screen” children from the Calais “jungle” – or rather hide behind physical screens their arrival and the fact that most of these “children” are advanced teenagers or full-grown males.

In Sweden, the government and the press mitigate the criminal impact of Muslim migrants on its society.

Ingrid Carlqvist and Lars Hedegaard wrote, in order to underscore the fate of Swedes, or of Geert  Wilders, or of anyone else brave enough to report the facts about immigration and made to suffer persecution by their own countrymen:

Michael Hess, a local politician from Sweden Democrat Party, encouraged Swedish journalists to get acquainted with Islam’s view of women, in connection with the many rapes that took place in Cairo’s Tahrir Square during the “Arab Spring”. Hess wrote, “When will you journalists realize that it is deeply rooted in Islam’s culture to rape and brutalize women who refuse to comply with Islamic teachings. There is a strong connection between rapes in Sweden and the number of immigrants from MENA-countries [Middle East and North Africa].”

This remark led to Michael Hess being charged with “denigration of ethnic groups” [hets mot folkgrupp], a crime in Sweden. In May last year, he was handed a suspended jail sentence and a fine — the suspension was due to the fact that he had no prior convictions. The verdict has been appealed to a higher court.

For many years, Michael Hess lived in Muslim countries, and he is well acquainted with Islam and its view of women. During his trial, he provided evidence of how sharia law deals with rape, and statistics to indicate that Muslims are vastly overrepresented among perpetrators of rape in Sweden. However, the court decided that facts were irrelevant….

Soren Kern raises these facts:

Despite the mounting human toll, most of the crimes are still being downplayed by German authorities and the media, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.

“The police are not interested in stigmatizing but rather in educating the public. The impression that we are engaging in censorship is devastating to the public’s confidence in the police. Sharing information about suspects is also important for developing prevention strategies. We must be allowed to talk openly about the problems of this country.” — Arnold Plickert, director of the GdP Police Union in North Rhine-Westphalia.

“The Press Council believes that editorial offices in Germany should ultimately treat their readers like children by depriving them of relevant information. We think this is wrong because when people realize that something is being concealed from them, they react with mistrust. And this mistrust is a hazard.” — Tanit Koch, editor-in-chief of Bild, the most-read newspaper in Germany.


It appears that the majority of German police entities adhere to Angela Merkel’s “Let’s not be beastly to the migrants” policy,” and under-report, or do not report at all, rapes committed by Muslims (and Muslims of all origins have committed them: Afghans, Somalis, Iraqis, Turks, etc.) at all. Identifying criminals  is verboten and “discriminatory.”


One ISIS statement about the Yazidis is that they must be raped to “smash the blonde bloodline.” Doubtless that is one of the purposes of the widespread rapes in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, countries with a high proportion of blondes and blonde victims. Yet German and other European governments refuse to ascribe to Muslim rapists the least tinge of “racism.” Yet anyone pointing to a gang of Somali or Pakistani rapists and expressing the least hint of “Islamophobia” is automatically deemed a “racist.”


In the meantime, back in the U.S., damaging, incriminating facts, regardless of how they acquired, are given short shift  by criminal politicians and their wonks.


Interview with Mook:


Clinton Campaign manager Robby Mook and longtime Clinton confidant John Podesta thought the deal ― in which Clinton had committed to speak at an event for the king[of Morocco] on the condition of his $12 million donation ― would look bad. Clinton aide Huma Abedin tried to explain that it was simply too late to back out.


“Why wasn’t that classic pay-to-play?” Wallace asked.


“There’s nothing new here,” Mook replied, deflecting to Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers.


“But, Robby, there is some new stuff,” Wallace responded. “Emails show ― and I’m going to go through some of them ― you were not happy at all the idea of this meeting and her going there.”


Mook maintained that it was all just a scheduling issue that had nothing to do with corruption or public perceptions of corruption.


“We didn’t want her going overseas,” Mook said. “I didn’t want her going overseas before the campaign was kicking off. Again, these are stolen documents.”[Italics mine]


Ergo, the information about the illicit activities committed by the Clinton campaign is nullified? Not admissible in a court of law because the emails proving the existence of criminal activity were stolen?


Suppose Eliot Ness of The Untouchables (a fine TV crime drama that succumbed to early PC) purloined a series of memos between Al Capone to Frank Nitty about what to do about the Bugsy Moran gang. “We got to deal with these buggers. Can we rub them out without getting a lot of bad press? Without everybody pointing fingers at me?” “Yeah, Al. Got to call a pow-wow between us and Bugsy’s people. Lure them into a trap. A garage would be perfect. Got to be stealthy like. Send in a bunch of our boys, some of them dressed like cops. Then let them have it. Use machine guns to be thorough. Let me handle the details and the press.”


Would that exchange be admitted as evidence in court because the memos were “stolen.”? Would Capone be indicted, tried, and jailed for conspiracy to murder and being an accessory to murder, instead of being jailed for the paltry charge of income tax evasion, as actually happened?  Members of the Moran gang were indeed murdered execution style by Capone’s men.


Possibly Ness’s purloined (or “hacked”) Capone-Nitty correspondence would be admissible in court, but then that was another era.


Let’s go one further: Suppose the mayor of Chicago had criminal connections to Capone and his gang, and wanted the whole Bugsy Moran or St. Valentine’s Day massacre issue removed from police and court records. and also removed from “public” consciousness. Would the massacre have actually occurred? Possibly, but it would have been written off as “just a bunch of yeggs with mental problems.” Yes. But there is no longer a record of it. The public is left in the dark. The mayor issues a public statement to the effect that all the rumors that Capone was responsible were false and slander the good name of Capone (PPBUP or Benedizioni e la pace sia su nostro pisano).


So, if the documents were not stolen, the information would still be festering inside the emails, but no one would know about it or have any knowledge of the wrong-doing. We would remain ignorant of the corruption and the scale of that corruption aside from the King of Morocco issue. Is that what you’re saying? That evidence of duplicity, if not revealed, would not be judged, or enter into anything because you might have been successful in suppressing the information, regardless of the legality of the hacked emails.


Welcome to the universe of thoughtcrime.


Let’s imagine for a moment that someone was able to hack into the records of the Dusseldorf police, and the records showed not only how many rapes of German women had been committed and reported, but the specific “migrant” identities of the criminals, most of whom were handed light to non-existence sentences. None of that information had been released, and the public was ignorant of it, even though much of the public knew something was terribly wrong.


Suppose the hacker published that information on his own blog site, a la Wikileaks,  causing an outrage, knowing that no German newspaper would publish the information lest they be reprimanded by the German Press Council or its employees even imprisoned and fined. The police track down the owner of the blog site and he is arrested for “theft” of government property (the information coming under the rubric of “security), and for instigating “hate,” “bigotry,” and the “blasphemous libeling” of a racial, ethnic, and religious “minority.”


Soren Kern added:


Germany’s migrant rape crisis — which has continued unabated day after day for more than a year — has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany’s federal states. Despite the mounting human toll, most of the crimes are still being downplayed by German authorities and the media, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.


The German Press Council (Presserat) enforces a politically correct “code of media ethics” that restricts the information journalists can use in their stories. Paragraph 12.1 of the code states:


“When reporting on criminal offenses, details about the religious, ethnic or other background information of the suspects or perpetrators is to be mentioned only if it is absolutely necessary (begründeter Sachbezug) to understand the reported event. Remember that such references could foment prejudices against minorities.”


On October 17, the Press Council reprimanded the weekly newspaper, Junge Freiheit, for revealing the nationality of three Afghan teenagers who raped a woman at a train station in Vienna, Austria, in April 2016. The press council said the nationality of the perpetrators is “not relevant” to the case, and by revealing this information the newspaper “deliberately and pejoratively represented the suspects as second-class persons.”


On the other hand, it’s okay for Muslim preachers to advocate war against the West and to take sex slaves. Ali Hammuda, a Muslim cleric in Cardiff, Wales announced in July to his teenage audience, as reported in the Daily Mail:


“One of the interpretations as to what this means is that towards the end of time there will be many wars like what we are seeing today, and because of these wars women will be taken as captives, as slaves, yeah, women will be taken as slaves.


“And then, er, her master has relations with her because this is permissible in Islam, it’s permissible to have relations with a woman who is your slave or your wife.”
Sharia will dominate the world, even if perpetrators must show up in court and be slapped on the wrist, leaving their victims to deal with the rapes and fearing more.  But Westerners are not supposed to fear that, or even know about it. That’s thoughtcrime, Islamophobia!  As far as the State is concerned, when it comes to reporting Muslim crimes, “mum’s the word.” The State doesn’t want you to know.


Ignorance can be bliss, until you’re raped. And even dead.


*             *             30           *             *

Edward Cline

Waco, TX

October 2016






  • UK government hides arrival of future terrorist and rapists:



  • Gatestone on German Rape crisis:



  • Podesta emails:



German rapes wiped from record



“Cologne is every day”



Jihad Watch

Germany: New Year’s Eve Muslim migrant sex attacks wiped from police records


Illegal to own Wikileaks










British imam okay to rape





Bugsy Moran massacre:



Okay to have sex slaves we’re at war



It was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan Banna, who stated that “It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated; to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.”


Comment left on Gatestone:

Patricia who authored the comment titled “Gang rapes by Muslim men against white girls”; it is a subject, to my knowledge, has not been investigated or written about, which is why Muslim rapists are racist, because they seem to have an overwhelming preference to assault white women, girls, and children. What is it about white women that Muslim males seem to prefer them for assault? Is it the bogus “post-colonial” argument? “Your country conquered our country and ruined it (was there anything in the country to ruin?), so we are taking your women.” Is it the esthetics? Is it “race envy”? I have really not seen the subject addressed at any length, but if it has been, please enlighten me. Is it a subject which objective, rational thinkers shy away from lest they be branded “racist”?


Comment on Gatestone https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/comments/72311









Ali Hammuda is an Imam in Cardiff, Wales

Why isn’t he spewing his bile in his pesthole?

Because the government must tolerate his “religion.”


The future of European women under Sharia? Too likely.



Under Sharia: a stroll at Charing Cross, London








An episode in Muslim “cultural enrichment”


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