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Trump’s Contribution to Sound Money The source of trade anxiety is a broken global monetary system that distorts price signals with sharp currency moves. By Judy Shelton

The surest way to become alienated from Donald Trump supporters is to invoke the word “global” with regard to trade or economic interests. Even if you embrace the Trump economic agenda for enhancing U.S. competitiveness by lowering taxes and easing regulation, even if you support an “America First” approach for tackling domestic shortcomings from education to infrastructure—there is still a negative stigma attached to proposing any kind of global economic initiative.

Yet by insisting that the U.S. Treasury label China a “currency manipulator” and by promoting trade that is both free and “fair,” Mr. Trump may be laying the groundwork for a significant breakthrough in international monetary relations—one that could ultimately validate the rationale for an open global marketplace and restore genuine free trade as a vital component of economic growth.

The notion that something good might come out of a Trump policy elicits guffaws in certain economic circles. And questioning whether today’s exchange-rate regime serves the cause of beneficial cross-border commerce is tantamount to advocating protectionism. Nevertheless, Mr. Trump’s emphasis on currency manipulation brings into focus the shortcomings of our present international monetary system—volatility, persistent imbalances, currency mismatches—which testify to its dysfunction. Indeed, today’s hodgepodge of exchange-rate mechanisms is routinely described as a “non-system.” Or, as former International Monetary Fund chief Jacques de Larosière termed it at a Vienna conference in February 2014, an “anti-system.”

If monetary scholars once diligently sought to explain the relative virtues of fixed-versus-flexible exchange rates on global economic performance, they have largely abdicated any responsibility for the escalating political backlash against trade that blames currency manipulation for lost business.

No serious economist would claim today that the “dirty float” intervention tactics practiced by numerous countries would be remotely acceptable within the freely flexible exchange-rate system envisaged by Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman. Nor would anyone suggest that any coherent mechanism exists comparable with the fixed-rate system anchored by a gold-convertible dollar that reigned in the decades following World War II. CONTINUE AT SITE

The Clinton Default Mistake Her presidency will use the federal enforcement agencies to entrench political correctness. By Daniel Henninger

The decision to default one’s vote to Hillary Clinton comes in many forms. She is the lesser of two evils. She is the devil we know.

By all accounts, hell is still hell. Before volunteering to spend four years in it, voters about to commit the sin of despair might consider the consequences of a default vote.

The greatest is the economy. Mrs. Clinton will contribute nothing to lift the flatlined aspirations of the eight Obama years.

There is also the matter of Clinton mores, revealed again Monday in a Washington Post story about the way former Sen. Clinton dealt with the economic plight of upstate New Yorkers. Most relevant was the account of Sen. Clinton pushing federal money to the Corning company on behalf of its emissions-reduction technology:

“Corning’s chief executive co-hosted a 2015 fundraiser for her. The company paid her $225,500 in 2014 to speak to Corning executives. Corning also has given more than $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, its records show.”

Also worth reading are details of the $315,000 eBay gave her for a 20-minute speech last year, but we digress. Our subject is what surely will be the decline and final fall of the American higher-education system under a President Clinton.

The onslaught of political correctness that overwhelmed American campuses the past year may not come up in the presidential debates. But for many voters the campus pillaging of free speech symbolizes a country off the rails.

The New York Times recently ran a piece describing how colleges and universities are experiencing a pull back in alumni giving because of the PC madness. Donations at Amherst fell 6.5% in the last fiscal year. A small-college fundraising organization named Staff reports that giving in fiscal 2016 is down 29% from the year before.

Enraged alumni vent frustration throughout the piece, but one in particular asks, “Where did this super-correctness come from?” There is an answer to that question.

A Clinton victory will empower, for a very long time, the forces now putting at risk one of the country’s incomparable strengths, its system of higher education.

What happened can be explained in one word: diversity. CONTINUE AT SITE

Hillary’s Latest ‘Old News’ Mrs. Clinton has set herself up for an October Surprise.

Funny how the word “email” continues to haunt Hillary Clinton even as she dismisses every new revelation as “old news.” The latest new-old news comes in the release by Judicial Watch of 44 emails from her personal server that Mrs. Clinton failed to turn over in the batch she told the State Department included everything that was work-related. The emails paint a picture of top Clinton aides at State eager to do favors for Clinton Foundation donors.

At the heart of these documents is the glaring conflict of interest that Mrs. Clinton carried into the State Department—and then spread to those around her. Only months after the Clinton Foundation agreed to ethics protocols designed to keep Mrs. Clinton’s department from mixing State with foundation business, these new emails show her two closest aides— Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills—doing the bidding of Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band.

On April 22, 2009, Mr. Band emailed Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills to say it’s “important to take care of [name redacted]. The subject line reads: “Fw: A favor.” Far from suggesting the favor was inappropriate, Ms. Abedin responded that the person was on State’s “radar,” and that “personnel has been sending him options.” Shouldn’t Americans know who this person was and why he was so important to Mr. Band?

The ties among Mrs. Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and State would become more incestuous. Two years after Mr. Band sent this email, he founded Teneo, a consulting firm. Ms. Abedin would soon draw a paycheck from Teneo at the same time she was also working for both State and the Clinton Foundation.

Another 2009 email has Mr. Band telling Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills that “We need Gilbert chagoury [sic] to speak to the substance person re lebanon.” Within hours, Ms. Abedin replies that the “substance person” is Jeff Feltman—the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon. A follow up email from Mr. Band urges her to call him “now.”

The email doesn’t spell out what Mr. Chagoury wanted from the ambassador, but let your imagination run. Mr. Chagoury is a Lebanese-Nigerian whose family businesses thrived under Gen. Sani Abacha, the military dictator who ruled Nigeria for years. According to a 2001 British court decision, the Nigerian government agreed not to prosecute Mr. Chagoury and unfreeze his Swiss bank accounts if he paid back millions it claimed had been stolen. CONTINUE AT SITE

US must invest more in advanced computing By Chuck Brooks and David Logsdon,

Over the course of the last year, our writings in The Hill have addressed emerging technology issues including big data, the Internet of Things, automation/artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. Our focus has been the growing implications of these new technologies for both the public and private sectors. There is a common threat that ties all these tech innovations together: the collection, analysis, and utilization of data via advanced computing capabilities, specifically supercomputing and high-performance Computing (HPC).

In today’s world, computing rules almost all that we do. The exponential upsurge of data and its uses directly impact the critical infrastructure of society, including healthcare, security, transportation, communications and energy. Organizing, managing and analyzing data, though, is more important than ever. The U.S. military and the intelligence community depend on maintaining a qualitative edge in processing power that factors in the design, creation and operations of many technologies and programs of national security interest. Supercomputing and the corollary of high-performance computing have become the means mechanisms for those vital tasks.

Seymour Cray is commonly referred to as the “father of supercomputing” and his company, Cray Computing, is still a driving force in the industry. Supercomputers are differentiated from mainframe computers by their vast data storage capacities and expansive computational powers.

The website Techtarget.com provides a strong working definition of HPC: “the use of parallel processing for running advanced application programs efficiently, reliably and quickly. The most common users of HPC systems are scientific researchers, engineers and academic institutions. Some government agencies, particularly the military, also rely on HPC for complex applications.” HPC works hand-in-hand with supercomputing as it requires the aggregation of computer power to address problems and find solutions.

The New Threat of Very Accurate Missiles By Dr. Max Singer

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Precision-guided medium-range missiles, a relatively new technology, are beginning to proliferate in the Middle East. When they work as designed, they can deliver half a ton of high explosive to within meters of their targets. This means that for many targets, they are almost as effective as nuclear weapons. With their capacity to destroy capital facilities like power plants, the loss of only a few of which would severely harm Israel’s economy, they introduce a new way for Israel to decisively lose a war. Israel will have to get the difficult balance between offense and defense right before the next war or it may not have a second chance.

Throughout history, until 1945, a country was basically safe as long as no enemy army could invade and defeat its army. This basic strategic fact became obsolete with the invention of nuclear weapons, which could be thrown or delivered by plane over a defender’s undefeated army and kill hundreds of thousands of a defender’s population with a single warhead.

The first generation of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) was not accurate enough to present much of a threat to military or strategic targets. They could not reliably hit close enough to destroy an airfield. But large nuclear weapons, each with destructive effects measured in miles, combined with ICBMs whose accuracy was similarly measured, turned the focus of war thinking toward attacks on cities. This represented a new kind of war.

A special kind of “deterrence” thus became the central topic of strategic thinking: deterrence based on the threat of a retaliatory attack that hurts the country to be deterred, but doesn’t necessarily turn the balance of forces in the deterrer’s favor. This new style of deterrence says, “If you hit me, I will hit you back even if I have to do so in a way that does me no good. I will commit myself to hitting you, regardless of its effect on my situation, to stop you from hitting me first.”

This paper is a narrow analysis of strategic concepts in a historical context, omitting diplomatic and arms control considerations as well as several technical issues. Throughout history, countries have faced dangers other than those posed by military attack. And in a nuclear world, there are ways of protecting yourself other than through your own nuclear deterrence.

ICBMs eventually became accurate enough that smaller nuclear weapons could be used, but not so accurate that ballistic missiles without nuclear weapons could be a strategic threat.

More recently, however, technology driven by the computer revolution began to create a new strategic situation for the great powers. This technology controlled a warhead’s accuracy not by improving the precision of the missile’s launch, but by guiding the missile’s warhead as it approached its target.

“Terminal guidance,” as this technology is known, can enable warheads to be delivered over very long distances and to hit within meters of their aim-points. The launch does not have to be perfectly accurate if the final trajectory of the warhead is controlled by guidance that depends not on the initial trajectory of the missile but on equipment on the warhead.

Hillary Clinton’s loose e-lips

Normally, Iran’s execution of a nuclear scientist who gave information to the United States would draw no unusual attention — but this one popped up in Hillary Clinton’s infamous e-mails.

The then-secretary of state discussed Shahram Amiri with several aides in communications kept on her unprotected private server — including just days before he abruptly left America to return to Tehran.

That raises a fresh flood of questions about Clinton’s home-brewed setup — which she insists was well protected but the FBI believes was most likely hacked by “hostile” interests.

Amiri’s is a bizarre case, to be sure. For years, he reportedly provided info from inside Iran about its nuclear program. Then he went missing in Saudi Arabia in 2009, only to resurface a year later in two Internet videos. In one, he claimed he’d been kidnaped and tortured by the CIA. In the other, he said he was free and safe in America.

In July 2010, he appeared at the Pakistani embassy in DC saying he wanted to return to Iran, where his wife and young son still lived. He did so days later and was given a hero’s welcome — before vanishing.

Last week came word Iran had hanged Amiri for treason — having likely lured him home with threats against his family.

In one e-mail to Clinton, just days before he showed up at the embassy, Clinton energy envoy Richard Morningstar urged that “our friend has to be given a way out” and claimed his was a “psychological issue.”

Proper stuff for top folks at State to address — on secure systems, unlike Clinton’s. Even with zero sign that these e-mails contributed to Amiri’s fate, it still underscores just how reckless Clinton was with classified information — a fact she still won’t admit.

And if US enemies did hack her server, this may just be the tip of the iceberg.

Want a job? Give to the Clinton Foundation right away!

Here’s fresh proof that Hillary Clinton can indeed create jobs — for loyal patrons of Clinton, Inc., that is.

Documents released Tuesday by the good-government group Judicial Watch show Clinton’s top State Department people doing favors for Clinton donors.

The information includes 44 e-mail exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department by the ex-secretary or her aides — despite their sworn statements to have shared all records.

In April 2009, then-Clinton Foundation chief Doug Band pushed Hillaryites Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills to find a position for an associate: It’s “important to take care of [name redacted].” Abedin replies: “We all have had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.”

Without the name, we can’t know who got what job — but other e-mails show Band intervening for a foundation donor.

That same year, he pushed for State to give high-level access to Clinton Foundation donor Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire. Noting that Chagoury is a “key guy there [in Lebanon] and to us,” he tells Mills and Abedin to connect the donor with State’s “substance person” on Lebanon.

Abedin supplies the name: “its jeff feltman,” the US ambassador to Lebanon and later assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs. And, she says, “Ill talk to jeff.”

Band doesn’t let go: “Better if you call him. Now preferable. This is very important. He’s awake I’m sure.”

Chagoury has a murky past: In a 2000 plea deal on Swiss money-laundering charges, he repaid $66 million to the Nigerian government. But, hey, he also gave at least $1 million to the foundation and pledged a cool $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative.

The e-mails show other “employment opportunities”: Big-time Clinton fundraiser Lana Moresky asked Clinton to arrange another hire at State. The secretary told Abedin to follow up and “help” the applicant — and to “let me know” how the job hunt ended.


Islamic radicals know how important it is to influence the Muslim youth in order to shape their impressionable minds for jihad. Some jihadists don’t even wait until children are out of diapers before they start indoctrinating them. The UK’s Express reports that an Islamic nursery (“part of a larger Islamic association” with aneducation center for kids up to eighteen years old) in the Floridsdorf District of Vienna, Austria has been linked to terrorism and is now closed. ISIS’s Mohamed Mahmoud and Firas H. were known to have went to the school. Apparently the teachers at the nursery were giving Quran lessons to youngsters up to three years old despite being warned not to do so by authorities in Austria. In addition, the teachers were supposedly “badly trained and had poor language skills[.]” Unfortunately, other Austrian nurseries have also been known to radicalize its children:

Over the past months, Islamic nurseries have been hitting the headlines in Austria after one in the Viennese district of Favoriten was described by Austrian daily newspaper Osterreich as a place where “holy war” was taught.

Furthermore, the UK’s Express cites a study that reveals”Islamic nurseries were forcing boys and girls to praise Sharia law and reject the Western way of life.” Individuals such as Professor Ednan Aslan, from the University of Vienna’s Institute for Islamic Studies, have alluded to theparallel society within Austria that many Muslim parents are creating for their kids. Aslan states, “Many parentswant to create a one hundred percent Islamic environment for their children[.]” This sounds a lot likeSharia, which is an all-encompassing ideology that dictates every part of a Muslim’s life. This not only hinders “integration” efforts but one could argue this kind of social isolation from Austrian society also makes Muslim kids more susceptible to radical jihadist influences within the Islamic community. If Muslim toddlers are essentially being taught to hate their country and to despise its laws why wouldn’t they look down on their fellow Austrians and even go so far as to wage jihad? Children deserve better than to be taught Islamism and jihad by their superiors. This type of indoctrination is despicable and the dangers of Sharia law being taught from the nursey to theuniversity needs to be addressed by Western countries. The next generation of Islamic radicals are learning their ABCs in Sharia while much of the West looks the other way.

Islam’s “Quiet Conquest” of Europe by Giulio Meotti

“Islam is a French religion and the French language is a language of Islam.” — Tariq Ramadan.

In 1989, Dalil Boubakeur, rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, justified the persecution of Salman Rushdie by Ayatollah Khomeini. Last year, Boubakeur called for the conversion of churches into mosques.

In Britain, mainstream Muslim organizations are dispensing “Islamic justice” through more than 85 sharia courts attached to mosques.

Civil war in France is what the Islamic State is looking for: unleashing a blind repression so that the Muslim population will show solidarity with the revolutionary minority. Yet, there is still worse possible outcome: that nothing happens and we continue as is.

Real “moderate Muslims” are silenced or murdered.

Last month, the Wall Street Journal published an interview with France’s director of domestic intelligence, Patrick Calvar. “The confrontation is inevitable,” Mr. Calvar said. There are an estimated 15,000 Salafists among France’s seven million Muslims, “whose radical-fundamentalist creed dominates many of the predominantly Muslim housing projects at the edges of cities such as Paris, Nice or Lyon. Their preachers call for a civil war, with all Muslims tasked to wipe out the miscreants down the street.”

These Salafists openly challenge France’s way of life and do not make a secret of their willingness to overthrow the existing order in Europe through violent means, terror attacks and physical intimidation. But paradoxically, if the Islamists’ threat to Europe were confined to the Salafists, it would be easier to defeat it.

There is in fact another threat, even more dangerous because it is more difficult to decipher. It has just been dubbed by the magazine Valeurs Actuelles, “the quiet conquest”. It is “moderate” Islam’s sinuous project of producing submission. “Its ambition is clear: changing French society. Slowly but surely”.

That threat is personified in the main character of Michel Houellebecq’s novel, Submission: Mohammed Ben Abbes, the “moderate” Muslim who becomes France’s president and converts the state to Islam. And from where does President Ben Abbes start his Islamization? The Sorbonne University. It is already happening: Qatar recently made a significant donation to this famous university, to sponsor the education of migrants.

In France, the quiet conquest has the face of the Union of the Islamic Organizations of France (UOIF), which a Simon Wiesenthal Center report charged with “anti-Semitism, advocacy and financing of terrorism and call to Jihad… ”

Not only does UOIF not encourage the integration of Moslems in France,” the report states, “it actually provides a nursery for the most radical Islamist positions.”

In Italy we have just witnessed the strategy of this “moderate Islam.” The largest and most influential Islamic organization, l’Unione delle comunità ed organizzazione islamiche in Italia (Ucoii), sponsored Milan’s first Muslim councilwoman, Sumaya Abdel Qader, a veiled candidate of the center-left coalition. Qader’s husband, Abdallah Kabakebbji, openly called for the destruction of the State of Israel: “It is a historical mistake, a scam”, he wrote on Facebook. His solution? “Ctrl + Alt + Delete”.

Qader won the race over a real moderate Muslim, the unveiled Somali activist, Maryan Ismail. I met Mrs. Ismail at a pro-Israel forum in Milan. After losing the election, she broke with Italy’s Democratic Party in an open letter: “The Democratic Party has chosen to dialogue with obscurantist Islam. Once again, the souls of modern, plural and inclusive Islam were not heard”.

Take two “stars” of this French “moderate Islam.” The first one is Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, the motto of which is: “Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

Germany’s Migrant Rape Crisis Spirals out of Control Suppression of data about migrant rapes is “Germany-wide phenomenon.” by Soeren Kern

Germany’s migrant rape crisis has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany’s federal states. Germany now finds itself in a vicious circle: most of the perpetrators are never found, and the few who are frequently receive lenient sentences. Only one in 10 rapes in Germany is reported and just 8% of rape trials result in convictions, according to Minister of Justice Heiko Maas.

Up to 90% of the sex crimes committed in Germany in 2014 do not appear in the official statistics, according to André Schulz, the head of the Association of Criminal Police.

“There are strict instructions from the top not to report offenses committed by refugees. It is extraordinary that certain offenders are deliberately NOT being reported about and the information is being classified as confidential.” — High-ranking police official in Frankfurt, quoted in Bild.

Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed into the country more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Gatestone Institute first reported Germany’s migrant rape crisis in September 2015, when Merkel opened up the German border to tens of thousands of migrants stranded in Hungary. A follow-up report was published in March 2016, in the aftermath of mass attacks against German women by mobs of migrants in Cologne, Hamburg and other German cities.

Germany’s migrant rape crisis has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany’s federal states. Germany is effectively under siege; public spaces are becoming increasingly perilous. Police have warned about a potential breakdown of public order this summer, when young male migrants are likely to see women lightly dressed.

During the month of July 2016, hundreds of German women and children were sexually assaulted by migrants (see Appendix below). The youngest victim was nine; the oldest, 79. Attacks occurred at beaches, bike trails, cemeteries, discotheques, grocery stores, music festivals, parking garages, playgrounds, schools, shopping malls, taxis, public transportation (buses, trams, intercity express trains and subways), public parks, public squares, public swimming pools and public restrooms. Predators are lurking everywhere; safety nowhere.

Dozens of women and children have been assaulted by migrants at summer festivals and public swimming pools — staples of ordinary German life.

Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed into the country more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The government has been facing a rising voter backlash to the open-door migration policy, including public protests (left). In some areas, authorities have distributed cartoon guides, to “educate” migrants that sexual assault is not acceptable (right).

In July, at least 24 women were sexually assaulted at the Breminale music festival in Bremen. Women were also assaulted at outdoor festivals in Aschheim, Balve, Gerolzhofen, Grenzach-Wyhlen Heide, Loßburg, Lütjenburg, Meschede, Poing, Reutlingen, Sinsheim, Wolfhagen and Wolfratshausen.

In July, women and children were also sexually assaulted at public swimming pools in Babenhausen, Dachau, Delbrück, Hamm, Hilchenbach, Kirchheim, Lörrach, Marklohe, Mönchengladbach, Mörfelden-Walldorf, Oberursel, Remagen, Rinteln, Schwetzingen and Stuttgart-Vaihingen.