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The Crackpot Campus That Has Banned Sugar, Hats and Rugby Greg Hurst,

The leftist madness is not limited to US universities:

First they came for the bags of sugar, removing them from the campus shop. Then they blocked Six Nations
rugby matches from being screened in the student union bar.

After that coffee was targeted: Starbucks and Nestlé were subject to campus boycotts. Sombreros were next;
handing out the hats at a freshers’ fair was deemed cultural appropriation.

They even tried to ban Ukip after students said that inviting its candidate on to the campus would make them
feel less safe and secure.

So when the University of East Anglia stopped graduating students from tossing mortarboards in the air during
their official photograph, it came as little surprise. The university in Norwich, which last year became the
first in Britain to introduce day-time sleeping berths for hung-over students, is developing a reputation as
one of our most crackpot campuses.

It was the university authorities that generated headlines this week by declaring that tossing mortarboards
skywards posed an unacceptable risk because it could lead to injury.

An offer to have flying mortarboards added digitally to graduation photographs for an extra £8 did not
mollify students. Its justification was given short shrift by the Health and Safety Executive, which said
that the chance of being hurt by a flying mortarboard was incredibly small.

Yet it is UEA’s student union, housed in a brutalist concrete and glass building on the campus, that has
been most active with bans and boycotts. Tate & Lyle sugar and Starbucks coffee were barred from the campus
shop over their company’s tax affairs; Six Nations rugby because its sponsor, RBS, funded fossil fuel
extraction; Nestlé over claims that its baby milk powder discouraged women in poor countries from breast

‘Minimum Wage’ Of $100,000+ For 50,000 Highly-Compensated Illinois Public Employees Costs Taxpayers $8 Billion by Adam Andrzejewski

In Illinois, and many states, public service has little to do with serving the public and everything to do with using the public’s money to serve politicians. Whenever we open the books, Illinois is consistently among the worst offenders. Recently we found Cook County animal control officers making $105,000; suburban school administrators at $503,000; university doctors earning $1.3 million; and 72 small-town ‘managers’ out-earning every governor of the 50 states.

This week, Governor Bruce Rauner (R) told the state public employee union AFSME, “Illinois is broke.” Our data and analysis at OpenTheBooks.com shows he’s right. There are 50,000 public employees earning six-figure salaries who cost Illinois taxpayers $8 billion a year.

Using our interactive mapping tool, you can quickly review the public employees across Illinois who earn more than $100,000.


In 2,500 units of local and state government at least one public employee makes $100,000+ in Illinois

Here are a few examples of what you’ll uncover by zip code:

18,900 teachers and school administrators – including $503,200 for Mohsin Dada, an administrator at North Shore School District 112 who earned $248,510 salary, plus a teacher’s retirement pension of $254,700 (ZIP – 60035).
9,000 college and university employees – including Dr. Fady Toufic Charbel at the University of Illinois at Chicago who earned $1.38 million (ZIP – 60601).
8,838 State of Illinois employees – including Steven Valasek, a $218,519 ‘contractual worker’ employed by Illinois Comptroller Leslie Munger (R) (ZIP – 62704).
5,122 small-town city and village employees – including 72 municipal managers who out-earn every governor of the 50 states at $180,000 per year.
5,007 City of Chicago rank-and-file managers and workers – including $216,000 for embattled Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D).

In total, there’s roughly $9.3 billion in total compensation flowing to highly-compensated government workers when counting 7,637 federal employees based in Illinois with six-figure salaries.

So, who are the biggest culprits in conferring six-figure salaries? We ranked the fourteen largest public pay and pension systems in Illinois:

Fear of Speech in Germany Merkel indulges Erdogan and it backfires on European rights.

Germans have an undeserved reputation for humorlessness, but at least one court in Hamburg is guilty of not getting the joke. A panel of judges found this week that satirist Jan Böhmermann libeled Recep Tayyip Erdogan by reading a poem mocking the Turkish President’s anatomy and his alleged relations with farm animals. Mr. Böhmermann is now forbidden from repeating all but a few lines of the poem out of deference to Mr. Erdogan’s rights.

That’s a hoot. Mr. Erdogan’s government has made itself notorious in recent years by shutting down opposition newspapers, imprisoning journalists on flimsy pretexts and filing thousands of criminal charges against Turks he deems guilty of insulting him. He has also opined that Israel is “more barbaric than Hitler.” Earlier this year, his bodyguards assaulted people peacefully protesting his speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.

Now he’s trying to extend his misuse of the legal system to Europe. Erdogan filed his complaint against Mr. Böhmermann using an archaic German law forbidding insults against foreign leaders. German Chancellor Angela Merkel had the legal authority to stop the suit but allowed it to go forward, largely out of fear that Mr. Erdogan might renege on his deal to curb the flow of refugees into Europe. CONTINUE AT SITE

J-Street was paid by Obama administration to promote Iran dealBy Ari Soffer

Liberal Jewish group received $576,000 to advocate for Iran nuclear deal, belying its ‘pro-Israel’ pretensions.J-Street received more than half a million dollars to advocate for the Obama administration’s controversial nuclear deal with Iran, it has been revealed.

The liberal Jewish group, which bills itself as “pro-Israel and pro-peace” but which critics say takes solely anti-Israel stances, was paid the money by the White House’s main surrogate organization for selling the deal.

The Ploughshares Fund was named in an explosive New York Times profile of Obama aid Ben Rhodes, in which the President’s chief spin doctor listed the central groups responsible for creating an “echo chamber” in order to promote the deal, even when the White House’s official line didn’t jibe with the facts.

According to Associated Press, the group’s 2015 annual report details several organizations which received substantial funds to peddle the official White House line on the nuclear deal. Among them was National Public Radio (NPR), which received a $100,000 grant to promote “national security reporting that emphasizes the themes of U.S. nuclear weapons policy and budgets, Iran’s nuclear program, international nuclear security topics and U.S. policy toward nuclear security.”

Other grantees included: The Arms Control Association ($282,500); the Brookings Institution ($225,000); and the Atlantic Council ($182,500), who “received money for Iran-related analysis, briefings and media outreach, and non-Iran nuclear work,” according to AP.

The National Iranian American Council received more than $281,000, while Princeton University received a $70,000 grant to support former Iranian ambassador and nuclear spokesman Seyed Hossein Mousavian’s “analysis, publications and policymaker engagement on the range of elements involved with the negotiated settlement of Iran’s nuclear program.”


2016.05.20 (Tanzania)
Islamic extremists hack three people at a rival mosque to death with machetes. 2016.05.19 (Afghanistan)
Five children and two women are among a family of eleven exterminated by Taliban bombers. 2016.05.17 (Iraq)
Thirty people at a market are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. 2016.05.17 (Iraq)
A female suicide bomber murders over forty people who gathered to help victims of an earlier blast. 2016.05.15 (Syria)
Two locals are brutally murdered by teenage French ISIS. 2016.05.15 (Iraq)
A suicide bomb attack on a cooking gas factory leaves fourteen others dead.

2016.05.20 (Tanzania)
Islamic extremists hack three people at a rival mosque to death with machetes.

2016.05.19 (Afghanistan)
Five children and two women are among a family of eleven exterminated by Taliban bombers.

2016.05.17 (Iraq)
Thirty people at a market are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.

2016.05.17 (Iraq)
A female suicide bomber murders over forty people who gathered to help victims of an earlier blast.

2016.05.15 (Syria)
Two locals are brutally murdered by teenage French ISIS.

2016.05.15 (Iraq)
A suicide bomb attack on a cooking gas factory leaves fourteen others dead.

French fests scrap Bataclan band over Muslim remarks

Two French festivals on Friday cancelled shows by Eagles of Death Metal, the band whose November 13th show in Paris turned into a bloodbath, after the frontman made remarks critical of Muslims.

The Rock en Seine and Cabaret Vert festivals took issue with an interview by singer and guitarist Jesse Hughes, who renewed allegations that Muslim staff at the Bataclan club was involved in the attack.

“Being in total disagreement with Jesse Hughes’ recent allegations given in an interview with an American media (outlet), both Cabaret Vert and Rock en Seine festivals have decided to cancel the band’s performance,” said a statement by the two festivals, which take place in late August.

Eagles of Death Metal had briefly become heroes in France after Islamic extremists assaulted their concert, killing 90 people in the deadliest of a series of coordinated attacks that claimed 130 lives across the metropolis. But Hughes has since proved controversial in his remarks. Unlike many rockers, he is known for his right-wing politics and champions gun ownership as well as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.#In an interview published last week, Hughes called for greater scrutiny of Muslims in the West and alleged that conservative Christians were unfairly being blamed for global problems.

“I saw Muslims celebrating in the street during the attack. I saw it with my own eyes. In real time! How did they know what was going on? There must have been coordination,” he told Taki’s Magazine, a publication of Greek-born conservative commentator Taki Theodoracopulos that has faced criticism for its writings on race.

Boris Johnson, Free Speech Champion of Erdogan Offensive-Poetry Contest Turkey’s Islamist president earned well-deserved poetic mockery. By Andrew C. McCarthy

This is my favorite story in some time. And it’s not even a “narrative” — it really happened.

First, though, the disgraceful background: Just when you thought German chancellor Angela Merkel had run out of nails to hammer into the coffin of Western liberalism, she permitted a criminal prosecution to proceed against Jan Böhmermann, a young German comedian, for the “crime” of insulting Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, our Islamic-supremacist, jihad-supporting NATO “ally,” who — if we may borrow a phrase from a good friend of his — has “fundamentally transformed” Turkey from a Western-leaning democracy to a suffocating sharia state.

Herr Böhmermann performed an edgy stand-up routine that featured a poem in which he described Erdogan as a “goat f***er,” among other not-niceties. A few months earlier, the comic had similarly poked fun at the Turkish president as a way of illuminating the obscenities of Erdogan’s dictatorial rule. This prompted the thin-skinned despot’s government to lodge a formal complaint with Berlin. Böhmermann’s latest skit was intended to draw attention to the fact that, with all the talk of bringing Turkey into the EU, Erdogan — far from embracing Western liberalism — was seeking to impose his blasphemy fatwa on Germany.

In Imam Erdogan’s emirate, which was the main focus of my book Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, such insolence lands a person in jail — as, by the way, does political dissent and what used to be known as news reporting.

As previously noted here, Erdogan is one of the pioneers of the Muslim Brotherhood–crafted “integrate but don’t assimilate” strategy for overrunning Europe and, in time, the United States. The plan urges Muslims to relocate to the West but maintain Islamic mores while pressuring the home governments to accommodate sharia (Islamic law).

A few years back, Erdogan gave a speech to a throng of Muslim migrants in Cologne, decrying Western pressure on Muslims to assimilate in their new European homelands as “a crime against humanity.” His goal is to transport repressive Islamic standards to the West, where they will snuff out free speech and other liberties inconvenient to tyrants. The game-plan is working to a fare-thee-well, feeding the explosion of Islamic enclaves that gradually assert their autonomy from Western governance while serving as incubators of jihadist radicalization.

Merkel is supposed to be part of the West’s defense against such aggression. But she is not the West. She is modern, feckless Europe. So when Erdogan complained about a harmless comic bit, she snapped to. Under an antiquated German law, Böhmermann could be sentenced to five years in prison for a “deliberate insult” of a foreign head of state.

Sweden’s Holy War on Children’s Books by Judith Bergman

Taken to its extremes, the urge to cleanse a culture of elements that do not live up to the politically correct orthodoxy currently in political vogue unsettlingly echoes the Taliban and ISIS credos of destroying everything that does not accord with their Quranic views. The desire “not to offend,” taken to its logical conclusion, is a totalitarian impulse, which threatens to destroy everything that disagrees with its doctrines. Crucially, who gets to decide what is offensive?

The question arises: How much purging and expiation will be needed to render a country’s culture politically correct?

“When we have days of carnivals and music the goal is that these days should be experienced as positive by everyone. The Swedish flag is not allowed as part of carnival dress. … Positive and bright feelings must be in focus. … School photos must obviously be free of national symbols.” — Swedish school in Halmstad.

Rome covered up its classical nude statues for a visit from Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, in January 2016. A decade ago, who would have even imagined such sycophancy?

In 1966, one of Sweden’s most popular children’s writers, Jan Lööf, published Grandpa is a Pirate, an illustrated children’s book, which featured, among other characters, the wicked pirate Omar and the street peddler, Abdullah. The book has been a bestseller ever since, and has been translated into English (as My Grandpa is a Pirate), Spanish, French and other languages. Ten years ago, 100,000 copies of it were even distributed to the Swedish public with McDonald’s Happy Meals, as part of an initiative to support reading among children.

Ah, but those were the days of yesteryear! Now, fifty years later, the book is no longer tolerable. The now 76-year-old author told Swedish news outlets that his publisher recently said that unless he rewrites the book and changes the illustrations, it will be taken off the market. The publisher also threatened to withdraw another of his books unless it is redone: it features an illustration of a black jazz musician who sleeps with his sunglasses on.

Judicial Watch Prez Says State Official’s Testimony Was ‘Not Helpful’ to Clinton By Debra Heine

Last February, when a federal judge granted Judicial Watch’s motion for discovery on whether the State Department and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deliberately thwarted their Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for six years, we knew it spelled big trouble for Clinton. The conservative watchdog group has now scheduled six Clinton email witnesses for deposition testimony throughout the months of May and June.

The first witness, former State Department official Lewis A. Lukens, was deposed on Wednesday, May 18.

According to Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton, some of the information he provided was “embarrassing” and “not helpful” to Clinton and the State Department.

Via the Daily Caller:

Tom Fitton, whose group is suing the State Department, says he is restricted in what he can legally say about an interview conducted with Lewis Lukens, who served as deputy assistant secretary of state and the executive directory of the secretariat during Clinton’s tenure. But the Judicial Watch president did tell The Daily Caller that Clinton will not be pleased with the information he provided.

“The testimony was not helpful for Clinton or the State Department,” Fitton told TheDC in a phone interview.

Lukens is of interest to Fitton and Judicial Watch because of emails that he sent just days into Clinton’s term in which he proposed the idea of setting up a stand-alone computer so that she could email from the agency’s executive offices.

In a Jan. 23, 2009 email to Huma Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Lukens said that he was checking into obtaining a BlackBerry for Clinton issued by the National Security Agency.

In the meantime, in order to allow Clinton to check her email during the workday, Lukens said he would “set up the office across the hall as requested.”

“Also, I think we should go ahead (but will await your green light) and set up a stand-alone PC in the Secretary’s office, connect to the internet (but not through our system) to enable her to check her emails from her desk,” he wrote in the email. CONTINUE AT SITE

Hezbollah Operations Chief Killed in Syria—But Who Did It? By P. David Hornik

Mustafa Amine had been Hezbollah’s operations chief since February 2008, when his predecessor and brother-in-law, arch-terrorist Imad Mughniyeh, was killed in a car-bomb attack in Damascus.

Last Friday, May 13, Badreddine, too, met a violent end—killed, according to reports, in a mysterious explosion near Damascus International Airport.

Badreddine’s terror activity with Hezbollah went back to 1983, when he led a cell that car-bombed the U.S. embassy in Kuwait. Captured and imprisoned in Kuwait, he managed to escape in 1990 when Saddam Hussein invaded the country.

Badreddine made it back to Beirut, his Hezbollah comrades, and terror activity—both against Israel and against U.S. and British forces in Iraq. But Badreddine’s most notorious exploit came on February 14, 2005, when he masterminded the vicious killing of moderate Sunni Lebanese leader Rafiq Hariri in Beirut.

As Israeli investigative writer Ronen Bergman describes it:

a suicide bomber driving a van loaded with explosives equal in damage power to three tons of TNT collided with Hariri’s armored convoy, turning it into a fiery hell.