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August 2017

Anti-Israel Academics Launch Campus Antifa Group for Faculty Group will combat ‘fascists’ who use free speech ‘as a façade for attacking faculty’: Rachel Frommer

Prominent anti-Israel academics launched a campus antifa group earlier this month for faculty across the United States.

Purdue University’s Bill Mullen and Stanford University’s David Palumbo-Liu created the Campus Antifascist Network (CAN) to combat “fascists” who use “‘free speech’ as a façade for attacking faculty who have stood in solidarity with [targeted] students,” as Palumbo-Liu described it on his blog.

Mullen, in an interview with Inside Higher Ed, said the mission of CAN was “to drive racists off campuses and to protect the most vulnerable from fascist attack,” and “to build large, unified demonstrations against fascists on campuses when they come.”

When Inside Higher Ed asked Palumbo-Liu about CAN’s views on the use of violence—such as the alleged assault by masked, black-clad antifa members of a conservative student earlier this week—he said the group “would advocate self-defense and defense in various forms of those who are being threatened by fascists, but not violence.”

Palumbo-Liu was more forthcoming about his opposition to the alt-right and white supremacists on campuses, saying he was primarily concerned by their “propensity to physical violence, aggressive confrontation and provocation, and violations of others’ civil rights.”

In his blog post, Palumbo-Liu wrote that CAN would support faculty who fascists “aggressively sought to smear, bully and intimidate … especially faculty of color.”

“Progressive scholars such as Keeanga Yamahtta-Taylor, Johnny Williams, Dana Cloud and George Ciccariello-Maher, among others, have each been threatened with violence, or firing, for strong anti-racist social justice commitments,” he claimed.

Trinity College’s Williams wrote on social media after GOP House Whip Steve Scalise was shot that white people are “inhuman a-holes” who need to “die.” Drexel University’s Ciccariello-Maher tweeted in 2016, “All I want for Christmas is white genocide,” and this year tweeted that he wanted to “vomit” when he saw someone give their first-class seat on a flight to a uniformed soldier. Both were investigated by their respective academic institutions for these comments.

Meanwhile, both Palumbo-Liu and Mullen have been leading figures in the academic campaign to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel. In 2014, Mullen issued a call on anti-Israel site Electronic Intifada to “de-Zionize our campuses.” Palumbo-Liu, in a 2016 piece titled, “9 things you need to know about the Israeli occupation of Palestine,” recommended readers look to alternative news sources for their information on the region, including several sites accused of publishing anti-Semitic content. He later updated the article to remove If Americans Knew from the list, after receiving backlash for recommending an outlet that has repeatedly published conspiracy theories about Jews. IAK has been marginalized even by virulently anti-Israel groups, such as the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation and Jewish Voice for Peace.

CAN has created an open-access “anti-fascist syllabus” that “analyzes past and present contours of fascist thought and organizing in their various forms, and provides tools for understanding and for fighting fascism today … Primarily, the syllabus articulates fascism as an historical expression of capitalism’s tendency to exploit and dominate poor, working class, and oppressed people.”

“The syllabus is … intended for students, activists, teachers, unionists, workers, and communities: Muslims, Jews, women, LGBTQI+ individuals, socialists, communists, anarchists, people of color, working-class people, and the alternatively abled, and is an act of solidarity with these communities’ struggles for self-defense,” according to the description.

The syllabus has collected dozens of articles from left-leaning sources such as the American Socialist Quarterly, Socialist Register, The Nation, Mother Jones, Jacobin magazine, and publications from the defunct communist Sojourner Truth Organization.

In the wake of the white supremacist march at Charlottesville, CAN issued an invitation for more academics to join its cause. The group has already reportedly seen a spike in membership.

Neither Palumbio-Liu nor CAN responded to inquiries about the program.

Atlanta Monument Meant to Champion Unity Desecrated by Protesters : Conor Beck

Atlanta’s Peace Monument was damaged by protesters Sunday night, though it was erected in 1911 to urge reconciliation after the Civil War, not to celebrate the Confederacy.

The sculpture features an angel standing above a Confederate soldier, guiding him to lay down his weapon. Protesters traveled in Atlanta from Woodruff Park to Piedmont Park, where the Peace Monument is located, and some desecrated it, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The scene was only protected by one police officer, who was surrounded by black-clad Antifa protesters shouting “pig.”

“I completely understand what happened,” Thornton Kennedy, a sixth generation Atlantan who has taken his children to visit the monument many times to explain Atlanta’s history, told the Journal-Constitution. “It’s a statue that, to the observer, looks like a Confederate memorial.”

Atlanta author Goldie Taylor tweeted, “The Peace Monument is NOT a Confederate memorial. It was erected to honor those who worked to reunify the country after Reconstruction.”

The Journal-Constitution also reported that Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields expressed regret about how her officers dealt with protesters Sunday who defaced the statue.

“I feel like that we should have identified, removed, and arrested a couple of people earlier in the march, absolutely,” Shields said in an interview with Channel 2 Action News.

Shields said that by the time it was clear arrests were necessary, “We couldn’t identify them. And that’s not acceptable. We have the intelligence, we have the probable cause, we need to take action.”

A Path Out of the Trade and Savings Trap by David P. Goldman

Except in Africa and South Asia, the world’s population is aging rapidly. Between 2010 and 2050 the proportion of Americans over 65 will nearly double assuming constant fertility and immigration. By 2034 the Social Security Trust Funds will be depleted.1 By that time there will be two Americans over 65 for every five Americans of working age; if the government taxes earnings on a pay-as-you-go model, the burden on working Americans will be insupportable. The average American family has saved only $96,000 for retirement; more pertinent, the median family has saved just $5,000.2

There is another side to America’s inadequate savings rate, and that is a chronic current account deficit. Countries save by exporting more than they import and saving the balance. The economics literature documents the close relationship between rates of aging, savings, and current account balances.3 Older people lend to younger people to fund retirement, and younger people borrow from older people to start families and build enterprises. Countries with a higher proportion of aging people have a greater need for savings, and typically run a current account surplus with countries that have a younger population. The Nobel laureate Robert Mundell is one of the originators of this thesis. Without exports, we cannot save; with a chronic trade deficit, we cannot help but dissave at exactly the point when we require an increase in savings. Thus America is headed towards a catastrophe. Can it be averted?

The answer is affirmative, but it will require radical changes in U.S. economic policy. Trade competition from Asia in high-value-added manufactured goods presents a different kind of challenge than we have dealt with in the past. China and, to a lesser extent, other Asian competitors employ the full resources of state finances to fund capital-intensive manufacturing investment in the way that the West subsidizes basic infrastructure. In addition, China will commit $1 trillion to building infrastructure overseas to support its foreign trade, including exports as well as raw material supplies. The problem is not merely the dumping of artificially cheap goods into American markets, but a state-supported capital investment program that erodes returns for American investors. As a result, investment in the United States seeks capital-light venues such as software and avoids capital-intensive sectors such as chip production. We are being shut out of the global market for high-tech exports. By no means should we emulate China, whose model suffers from massive inefficiencies as well as suppression of political and economic liberty. But we do need to beat China at its own game, at least in some respects. Although America should not subsidize capital investment; it should subsidize fundamental research that leads to entrepreneurial innovation. And it should work with India, Japan, and other countries that want to resist China’s bid for Asian economic dominance to create markets for American high-tech exports.


My response to Diane Feinstein’s call to deny a permit to “Patriot Prayer,” a group she labels as a “hate group:” (See her letter below).

On April 4, 2017, the US Senate passed Senate Resolution 118, “Condemning hate crime and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias, discrimination, incitement to violence, or animus targeting a minority in the United States”. The resolution was drafted by a Muslim organization, EmgageUSA (formerly EmergeUSA) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). On April 6, 2017, EmgageUSA wrote the following on their Facebook page:

“Thanks to the hard work of Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Susan Collins and Senator Kamala Harris we have achieved the approval of Senate Resolution 118, an anti-hate crimes bill drafted by Emerge-USA. It is days like this that Americans are reminded of this country’s founding principles: equal opportunity, freedom, justice. We are proud to help support the protection of these rights #amoreperfectunion #theamericandream”.

Senate Resolution 118 calls on

“…Federal law enforcement officials, working with State and local officials… to expeditiously investigate all credible reports of hate crimes and incidents and threats against minorities in the United States and to hold the perpetrators of those crimes, incidents, or threats accountable and bring the perpetrators to justice; encourages the Department of Justice and other Federal agencies to work to improve the reporting of hate crimes; and… encourages the development of an interagency task force led by the Attorney General to collaborate on the development of effective strategies and efforts to detect and deter hate crime in order to protect minority communities…”

The resolution refers to hate crimes against Muslims, Jews, African-Americans, Hindus, and Sikhs and was sponsored by Senator Kamala Harris and co-sponsored by Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and Senator Susan Collins.

On April 6, almost the exact same text was introduced as House Resolution H.Res. 257, “Condemning hate crime and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias, discrimination, incitement to violence, or animus targeting a minority in the United States”. A House Resolution can be reintroduced as legislation.

H.Res. 257 urges

“…the development of an interagency task force led by the Attorney General and bringing together the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Education, the Department of State, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to collaborate on the development of effective strategies and efforts to detect and deter hate crime in order to protect minority communities”. The House Resolution was referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary on April 6 and from there it was referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations on April 21.

Austin Ruse has an essential book out battling the fake science supporting all of the Left’s agendas. Andrew Harrod

‘Science’ is now a cover for the leftist agenda,” writes Austin Ruse in his recent book. Fake Science: Exposing the Left’s Skewed Statistics, Fuzzy Facts, and Dodgy Data fights this agenda’s alchemy that turns fiction into policy.https://stream.org/austin-ruses-new-book-debunks-fake-science/

“Scientists are not priests,” Ruse warns. He sees a danger in way modern people revere some scientists. “Fully trained doctors experimented on Jews in Nazi Germany.” This example shows how many scientists “have held irrational and very unscientific beliefs over the years.” And with “transgenderism” today, “thoroughly respectable doctors are castrating little boys on the pretense that they can turn them into women.”
Pop Science Preachers

Ruse doubts the merits of many pop science preachers. Astronomy star Carl Sagan once spoke about the “long-discredited ‘ontology recapitulates phylogeny’ theory of a nineteenth-century Darwinist named Ernst Haeckel.” “Transgenderism” booster “Bill Nye the Science Guy” is a sketch comedian with a degree in mechanical engineering.

Ruse proves that science’s peer review process is not sacred. The process has missed many papers that later won Nobel Prizes. This process today “has become a way for the leftwing ‘consensus’ to circle the wagons and shoot down any challenge to their agenda.” The website Retraction Watch reports only on scandals in scholarly research.

“Even when there’s not obvious political pressure to skew results, scientists are human beings,” Ruse notes. The “iconic status of ‘science’ in the world today,” as well as the “huge amounts of government money at stake, means that the rewards for dishonesty are enormous.”

He mocks the idea that laymen must obey “science.” “Forgive me, Father-Scientist, up until now I did not believe that a man could become a woman. But now I do. I will do penance and promise to sin no more.”
False Promises

Much of Ruse’s book refutes past false promises behind the Sexual Revolution’s “present-day holocaust of disease and death.” He starts with French Revolutionary thinker Marquis de Sade, the French surrealists’ “Divine Marquis.” He “was a notorious rapist and sadist,” Ruse notes, “charged with drugging, kidnapping, torturing, and raping women.”

“We can’t afford to leave science to the frauds, the fakers, and the Left,” Ruse warns.

Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Mao Zedong combined killed likely over one hundred million. Yet the “Sexual Revolution dwarfs that.” A hundred million abortions worldwide join millions more deaths from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).
Science in Service of the Culture of Death

In the US, Ruse examines abortion and Planned Parenthood. “[N]o lie is too big for an organization that was founded as a eugenics project of Margaret Sanger, an out-and-out racist.” The “complicity of the scientific and medical profession in all the lies” is shameful. This recalls the “shame of the medical and scientific community during the Third Reich.” Among other false hopes, “embryonic stem cells have been a disaster, running wild in human bodies … growing skin and hair inside one poor man’s brain.”

Ruse likewise notes the world’s Malthus craze for “population control.” In a “demographic winter” wolves now appear in abandoned German towns. Worldwide billions of dollars have served the “vanishingly small number of women” who want contraception but cannot get it. More pressing issues include clean water, the lack of which could be lethal for over a billion people.

The Stature of Statues By Linda Goudsmit

The stature of statues is determined by the emotional reaction of observers to what the statues represent. Religious statues, political statues, historical statues commemorating events and achievements all symbolically represent people places or things that observers react to. The power of statues like the power of flags is determined by the reaction they arouse in the observer.

When Obama replaced the statue of Winston Churchill with the statue of Martin Luther King Jr. in his office it was a symbolic gesture. Churchill was perceived as a right-wing extremist until Germany declared war on England and it was clear that Neville Chamberlain’s policies of appeasement (leading from behind) emboldened Hitler. In May of 1940 Parliament voted no confidence in Prime Minister Chamberlain and King George VI appointed Churchill prime minister and minister of defense. Churchill was a powerful leader who rallied the English people during WWII and led his country out of a crippling defeat to victory.

Martin Luther King Jr., the Baptist minister who lead the non-violent movement civil rights movement in America, was a powerful leader whose efforts ultimately secured the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Martin Luther King Jr. remained committed to non-violence and civil disobedience as the methods for social reform – his vision was as successful in his time as Churchill’s was in his.

Here is the problem. Neither Churchill nor Martin Luther King Jr. reflected Obama’s vision for America. After eight years in office it is evident that busts of Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshall Davis, and Edward Said would have been the appropriate busts in Obama’s office. But statues are symbolic and the stature of those statues would have exposed Obama’s actual hope for change in America.

When Barack Obama was elected in 2008 the entire country was hopeful that race relations in America would improve. Americans hoped the country would realize Martin Luther King’s dream and the country would be one United States of America where children would be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. We hoped that being an American would be the common denominator that bound us all together in common cause to strengthen and realize the American dream.

Americans ignored the company that Obama kept and substituted their own hopes for change when they voted. Americans ignored Obama’s twenty year affiliation with anti-American anti-white black supremacist Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Americans ignored Obama’s affiliation with anti-white anti-American Black Power Frank Marshall Davis. Americans ignored Obama’s relationship with anti-American pro-Muslim professor Edward Said. Americans ignored Obama’s relationship with anti-white law school professor Derrick Bell. Americans ignored Obama’s relationship to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. Americans ignored Obama’s mentor radical socialist Saul Alinsky and Obama’s friendship with black supremacist Louis Farrakhan.

Barack Obama’s hope for change was not what most Americans hoped for. Obama’s radical left-wing liberal hope was to weaken America and change our political structure from democracy to socialism. In eight years Obama deliberately fomented racial divisiveness because divisiveness creates the social chaos required for seismic social change.

Obama followed Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” with the commitment of a religious zealot. He cut his hair, stopped smoking crack, put on a suit, honed his skills as a community organizer and began his career of selling snake oil to America. He was groomed to be the presidential candidate to bring socialism to America.

In Obama’s memoir “Dreams from My Father” Obama actually described Alinsky’s trick/tactic. “It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied as long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied, they were relieved—such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn’t seem angry all the time.” p. 94-95