Leftist Malice And lack of ethics. Rabbi Aryeh Spero *****


There is a never ending blitzkrieg from the media to topple President Trump. Based on what we’ve observed during the last two years, there’s no doubt that the “Separation of Families” barrage that began a couple of weeks ago was an effort orchestrated by the media. It brought together the Four Horsemen for a Trump Apocalypse: the Democrat Party; the Deep State; the Never-Trumpers; and leftwing organizations, especially those purporting to speak in the name of religion.

One: Nancy Pelosi, the face of the Democrat party, accused Jeff Sessions and other conservatives of being “religious hypocrites” for not allowing open borders and easy and swift entry for all families and children wishing to reside in America. I have no doubt that Mr. Sessions and Mr. Trump do care about families. Indeed, as conservatives they are far less inclined than liberals to take children from parents and place them in the custody of the “enlightened” state, as those on the Left often propose.

What about families? Even Nancy Pelosi should know that government’s first duty is to protect and defend America’s existing families. And today that means seriously checking, at the borders, all who may possibly be a member of MS-13, a jihadi terrorist, a criminal or drug dealer, or carrier of infectious diseases, all of which have already threatened American families. We rely on the government to do this for us. Mr. Trump and Sessions are not “religious hypocrites”, but men living up to their oath and doing their duty of keeping Americans safe. They are acting as those who take their responsibility seriously.

In contrast to the prevailing liberal ideology, American families indeed count. That’s all part of what we mean when we proclaim: America First. Compassion is not only for those outside but those within, for those regular, law abiding millions not part of any momentary preference group.

Last week, Maxine Waters, the new face of the Democrat Party, claimed God was on her side as she encouraged Americans to close-face harass, verbally assault, and forbid conservatives from participating in routine American public activities .Waters wants conservatives who disagree with her to sit in the back of the bus, be evicted from the lunch counters, and refused service. Civil rights are for her, not the hundreds of millions of regular Americans. People working for the President, she says, should be hounded at their home. Unleash the Brown Shirts! Waters, claiming to be concerned about the feelings of children of illegals, appears happy with Republican children being frightened in their beds due to bullhorns and liberal activists shouting outside their homes and bedrooms.

Instead of trying to find a workable solution to a national emergency inherently fraught with necessary but difficult procedures, Pelosi , ala Rahm Emanuel, has exploited this crisis for her own personal ambition, namely, to regain the Speaker’s Gavel. Worse, she overlooks the safety of our American families in her quest to import, on a grand scale, a new Democrat voting constituency. Pelosi knows that these protocols began long before Mr. Trump’s presidency and that the incendiary picture seen around the world was from the Obama era, not on Trump’s watch. But, as we have seen many times before with the Palestinian/media alliance, pictures and photographs are manipulated that are absolutely false or misappropriated. All of this is highly unethical.

Two: The Deep State was represented by former NSA and CIA Director, Michael Hayden. He compared the temporary separation of children from parents at our southern border to the Nazi Holocaust. It is an abhorrent comparison. It is knowingly wrong; it minimizes the Holocaust and it unfairly maligns our country. It is an unethical assertion, done by a “Deeper” who loathes the President so much as to put politics above truth.

The Nazis separated families as part of a first phase of forced labor and murder of Jews, an entire race. We, in contrast, are taking care of these children—probably better than they’re normally taken care of–during the days of necessary investigation. No animus is intended on our part, or on the part of President Trump, AG sessions, or the Dept. of Homeland Security. Mr. Hayden’s offense was not simply against Holocaust survivors but America itself. It’s unethical to make accusations that are absolutely false and purposely defaming. Why was such a man CIA Director?

Three: The Never-Trump neo-cons, who for the first time since 1980 find themselves out of the loop, also gleefully pounced this weekend on the President and Attorney General. They’ve been unable to accept that they’re no longer setting the agenda within the Republican Party. Nor should they be. The neo-cons loathe everything we love. The majority of the Party’s constituency believes in nationalism, fair trade and placing America first. They don’t. Most of the Party is no longer enamored by foreign nation-building, globalism, and sacrificing American jobs on the altar of international social engineering. The neo-cons are.

Most neo-cons are former Democrats from the East Coast and will forever feel more comfortable around academics and theoreticians than around blue collar, hands -on, regular Joes.  They latch onto and advance anything that will smear and bring down the President in the hopes of restoring their big-shot status, as well as the perks, relevance, and power that go with it. Jennifer Rubin, a neo-Con and blogger for the Washington Post, wrote approvingly for “shunning” and publicly refusing service to those supportive of President Trump. Why was she ever considered a Republican?

Four: Some left wing organizations calling themselves religious, but who are more so socialist, condemned the President for not “welcoming the stranger”. In fact, years back Barack Obama quoted the Scripture “Thou shall not Afflict the Stranger” as justification for shooting down anyone who disagreed with his borders-as-sieve policy and granting a full basket of entitlements to all who come here, even illegally. But, welcoming the stranger refers to individuals, not an invasion of millions…certainly not a calculated importation of millions to swell the voting ranks of the liberal party. It’s about treating decently a stranger temporarily in the land; not about making it easy for would-be terrorists, gangs, and criminals to blithely enter; nor is it about forgetting that newcomers can’t come to feed and live off the sweat of others. It is not “affliction” to require standards.

Welcoming the stranger was not intended by the Bible to be a national suicide program. The Bible itself speaks of the blessing of impenetrable borders. Welcoming the stranger is a directive for not being cruel to people, harassing or torturing them, as was the practice in many ancient societies and still practiced today toward “infidels”. Democrats could take a lesson in decency… and stop harassing Republicans.

In my own Jewish backyard, I witnessed a host of liberal Jewish organizations almost two weeks ago eagerly sign on to a letter condemning the President and Attorney General. They felt so good about themselves for doing so. They kept piling on, not taking the time to find out the facts. Forget the truth: it was a chance to show their greater “nobility” and, once again, demonize Trump. This frequently happens in today’s Jewish organizational community. The vast majority of the non-Orthodox Jewish organizations in America are loudly anti-Trump, actually in the vanguard against him, pining for the return of Barack Obama. Their automatic assumption is that the average conservative and American is indifferent to the plight of children, the needy, strangers, or non-Americans. Self-righteousness, when used to dismiss the goodness in others, is unethical.

None of the hysteria and condemnation that has gone on these past two weeks was necessary. If there was goodwill and respect from the Left, they would have realized we all want what is proper, yet responsible. Sit down with DHS and find solutions or improvements. That’s the American way. Instead, they deliberately chose to demonize in the hopes of bringing down everything. But you don’t measure morality by hysteria. Their hysteria does not reflect a higher morality, rather their ongoing project of malice and low ethics.


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