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July 2018

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier By Andrew C. McCarthy


A salacious Clinton-campaign product was the driving force behind the Trump–Russia investigation.

On a sleepy summer Saturday, after months of stonewalling, the FBI dumped 412 pages of documents related to the Carter Page FISA surveillance warrants — the applications, the certifications, and the warrants themselves. Now that we can see it all in black and white — mostly black, as they are heavily redacted — it is crystal clear that the Steele dossier, an unverified Clinton-campaign product, was the driving force behind the Trump–Russia investigation.

Based on the dossier, the FBI told the FISA court it believed that Carter Page, who had been identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser, was coordinating with the Russian government in an espionage conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.

This sensational allegation came from Christopher Steele, the former British spy. The FISA court was not told that the Clinton campaign was behind Steele’s work. Nor did the FBI and Justice Department inform the court that Steele’s allegations had never been verified. To the contrary, each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled “VERIFIED APPLICATION” (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:

The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).

In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy.

It’s Oakland in Muellerville By Roger Kimball


I liked what the great Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch had to say about the heavily redacted 400-page DOJ document dump regarding the FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page. It is, he said, a “self-licking ice cream cone.” The image is appropriately surreal.

But the more I think about it, the more I think it is only partially applicable to the whole RussiaGate melodrama we’ve been witnessing for the last year and a half.

Wikipedia defines this autogleipsimous activity as “a self-perpetuating system that has no purpose other than to sustain itself.”

The Mueller investigation and its attendant pseudo-pods in the media and “intelligence community” are indeed self-perpetuating.

But they exhibit a purpose that goes far beyond their own self-perpetuation.

No, in this safari, big game is the object, the end, the purpose, to wit: the destruction of the president of the United States.

That is the true purpose of this charade: not the truth about “Russian meddling,” not alleged wrong doing by Paul Manafort in 2005, not a lack of candor under FBI questioning by George Papadopoulos (who?) or Michael Flynn. The one true purpose (in addition to the welcome subsidiary effect of helping out the ratings of the MSM) is to hobble Donald Trump, a prelude to removing him from office.

There have been hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of words expended on trying the explain the “Russia collusion” narrative. It’s hard to get a handle on because its prime elements keep, er, “evolving.”

Absent any new revelations, I’d say that commentators like Kimberley Strassel and Lee Smith have it right. The whole show started with John Brennan, Barack Obama’s CIA director and Gus Hall-voting Trump hater. It was Brennan, operating on an erroneous tip, who cobbled together rudiments of the Trump-Russia narrative. He couldn’t get anyone to act on his story at first, but he then went to Harry Reid, former Senate majority leader, who lit a fire under James Comey, the disgraced former director of the FBI. CONTINUE AT SITE

Still Missing: One Arab Altalena… by Gerald A. Honigman

It’s been quite some time since I thought about this tragedy. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s recent comments brought it back onto my brain’s front burner…

YNet News reported on July 8, 2018 that seventy years after theAltalena Affair, Prime Minister Netanyahu stated “not only were the Etzel (Irgun) fallen not traitors, they were patriots of the first degree and acted in the benefit of the State of Israel, with immense effort and great sacrifice.”

The June 1948 confrontation was a nightmare which saw some twenty precious Jewish soldiers lost in patriot-on-patriot fighting for the heart and soul of the newly resurrected Jewish State.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself, so let’s backtrack a bit…

Even though he’s been out of the picture since 2004, polluting the soil from Jerusalem sprinkled onto his coffin in Ramallah, nothing has really changed regarding the two peoples struggling over rights to this land.

The problem has always extended beyond Yasir Arafat himself. He was simply carrying yet another local banner for a wider, age-old Arabism which–as I like to remind readers–rejects the rights of any (i.e., not just Jews) of the scores of millions of non-Arab peoples who were conquered in a region Arabs call purely Arab patrimonyand the Dar ul-Islam… among other things, the Arab-Israeli conflict in a nutshell.

To expand on this important point (especially for those who specialize in singling Israel), Arabs have treated all would-be national competitors similarly–with, admittedly, a bit more disdain for Jews. The latter were subjected to additional vilification in the Qur’an and other religious teachings of Islam for rejecting, from the very beginning, Muhammad’s religio-political claims–despite his overtures to the Jews (like praying towards Jerusalem) in the date palm oasis founded by them in Medina to which he fled from enemies in Mecca (the Hijra)… Geez, now why does that sound somewhat familiar? Ponder that a bit.

How Far Will the Left Go? by Victor Davis Hanson

There was no honeymoon for the unlikely winner of the 2016 election. Progressives have in succession tried to sue to overturn Trump’s victory using several different approaches. First on the bogus claim of fraudulent voting machines. Then they sought to subvert the Electoral College by bullying electors into renouncing their respective states’ votes.

Massive protests and boycotts marked the inauguration. Then there were articles of impeachment introduced in the House. Some sued to remove Trump on a warped interpretation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. Others brought in psychiatrists to testify that Trump was ill, disabled, or insane and should be removed in accordance with the 25th Amendment. The former FBI director, CIA director, and director of the Office of National Intelligence have variously smeared the president as a coward, a traitor, and a Russian mole.

The Mueller Investigation

We are about 430 days into Robert Mueller’s investigation; the special prosecutor whose team of lawyers and investigators has in a large part been made up either of Clinton donors, clear Clinton partisans, lawyers who have in the past represented Clinton interests or employees, or partisans already removed for expressing clear Trump hatred. The media grew ecstatic over its creation, dubbing it an “all-star” or “dream” team, as leaks assured the public that next week, next month, or “soon” there would be a sensational indictment proving that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the presidency.

We have gone through the psychodramas surrounding Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Carter Page and a host of others. Any second, any minute they would be indicted for collusion in throwing an election, or they would soon flip and end the Trump presidency.

One, Two, Three Strikes, You’re Out! by Linda Goudsmit

The world is currently divided between those who seek internationalized one world global governance and those who demand national sovereignty. Western countries are bifurcated internally along the same political lines. In the United States two political teams have emerged who are in a tournament that will determine the future of America.

The International Team composed of leftist Democrat players and Republicans In Name Only (RINO) are challenging the National Team pennant holders for the championship title. The International Team is following their general manager Obama toward socialism – the prerequisite for internationalized global governance called Globalism.

The National Team composed of American patriots who support individualism, national sovereignty, the Constitution, and the rule of law have elected their MVP President Donald Trump to fend off the collectivist challengers and take America to the championship games to preserve their national title. What does it all mean?

The geopolitical landscape is changing and the draft is underway. The International Team has chosen the UN flag as its banner, identity politics, the European Union, open borders, the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamism, anarchy, and activist judges to play on their team.

The National Team has chosen to fly the American flag, the Constitution, the rule of law, protected borders, legal immigration, and traditional secular American norms that do not recognize the authority of Islamic Sharia law to play on their team.

The two teams have opposing playbooks. The International Team relies on Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and the colluding globalist mainstream media to create cognitive dissonance and disorient the National Team. Alinsky’s playbook instructs the team on how to target MVP player President Trump and focus on taking him out of the game by any means to win the World Series. The International Team is playing offense.

The National Team is playing defense and relies on the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and President Trump’s direct communication with the fans to win the game.