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August 2018

The Wahhaj Family Compound And Their Dem-Connected Father The open extremists operating in the Democratic Party’s midst. Matthew Vadum


It turns out the man arrested for running a Muslim terrorist training compound in rural New Mexico is the son of an influential Democrat-connected jihadist imam who was close to the Blind Sheikh who orchestrated the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 that left six people dead.

Siraj Ibn Wahhaj Jr., who is 39 or 40, of Clayton County, Ga., was arrested after authorities found 11 hungry, filthy children living in squalid conditions in a remote part of New Mexico. Wahhaj, who has been charged with felony child abuse, had reportedly been training the children to commit school shootings. The remains of a three-year-old disabled boy, since identified as Wahhaj’s son, were discovered on the property which was filled with weapons. Two of Wahhaj’s sisters and two other adults were also arrested.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry reports that Wahhaj “has been on the radar of federal counterterrorism officials for the past 13 years on suspicion of jihadist activity.”

Despite abundant evidence of suspicious activities, timid FBI officials refused to raid the compound, instead sending a neighbor in wearing a hidden camera. The reluctance of the agents of the embattled law enforcement agency to act may be based on fear of being accused of so-called Islamophobia. Fortunately, local police did their duty and entered the property and discovered the children in what some described as Third World living conditions.

Wahhaj’s father, who shares his name, is deeply involved in Democrat politics. Wahhaj is the imam of Brooklyn, New York’s At-Taqwa Mosque and used to be a member of CAIR’s national board of advisers.

Nancy Pelosi Is Damaging Democrats’ Takeover Chances


Will her party reach out to swing voters by persuading her to step aside?

Will Democrats pull an “October Surprise” this year and announce that the highly polarizing Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco won’t be their candidate for House speaker after all? Growing up in the Bay Area, I saw Pelosi’s iron will and stubbornness up close for decades. The possibility of her stepping back seems remote. But she’s also the shrewd tactician who always tells moderate Democrats they can publicly spurn her because the imperative is “Just win, baby.” If the race for House control is close in October, many Democrats hope she’ll step back to deprive the GOP of a campaign issue.

Some Democrats are willing to publicly acknowledge that the highly liberal Pelosi alienates independents and moderates. “People pretend that it isn’t a problem, but it’s a problem that exists,” Representative Brian Higgins (D., N.Y.) told the Washington Post last week. He said frustrated colleagues told him that Republicans’ anti-Pelosi ads cost Democrats the House special election in Ohio, where they trailed by only 1,500 votes. One third of the national ads run by Republicans in that race mentioned Pelosi, and she became a real issue when Democrat Danny O’Connor, after first saying that Democrats need “new leadership,” finally admitted he would vote for her as speaker over a Republican if Democrats put her forward: “I would support whoever the Democratic party put forward.” This comment dominated local coverage of the House race for the week leading up to the special election.

Higgins says that challengers in other competitive districts are getting the same treatment when it comes to Pelosi: “They are stuck with that question, and they do not deal with it well. You equivocate, and it jams you up, and it costs you votes.”

Our Era of Malice :Edward Cline


The malice shown for Donald Trump before and after his election had always been there. Not just for Trump, but for America. For the Democrats and their allies in and out of newsrooms, having lost the election in 2016, it had to be expressed, in the news, and in print. It is a necessary urge to vent the venomous lump of hatred in its soul. It didn’t come from nowhere, as a sudden hatred. It had been growing and lurking for years, and awaited the chance to bellow, when its prancing unicorns were being disassembled and dissolved by Trump. The malice is evident in the ubiquity of hate speech, in the rants of Maxin Waters and others in and out of Congress.

Aside from political correctness, “hate speech” is the most pernicious anti-concept in today’s cultural circulation of mental submission. Today, hate speech is as common as cursing. Separated from the object of its wrath, it is an emotional expression that means nothing. It is vibrations in the wind. In print, or physically, hate speech of the anti-Western or anti-Semitic kinds, is just bellows in the air, akin to gorillas roaring and beating their chests in contesting superiority as an alpha male. Unless the gorilla attacked following his roar, it means nothing but a lot of vacuity.

The “tech giants” – Facebook, Google, and others – ban sites such as Alex Jones and others because they violated some ambiguous and relatively unknown“ rules” of publication of what they deem “hate speech.”

There is no one irrefutable authority that defines the meaning of hate speech. Wikipedia tries to cover all the usual but unprovable objects of it but does not define the concept itself:

Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.



Running, Conservative, Reform, Republican for U.S. Senate – Jr


Daughter of refugees turned activist turned candidate for Congress in NY CD10. There is so much momentum today behind new and radical changes in policy.

Another Ocasio-Cortez-Backed Primary Candidate Goes Down in Flames By Rick Moran


Another candidate backed by democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has gone down to defeat in humiliating fashion. In the Hawaii First District Democratic primary, former congressman Ed Case easily bested Lt. Governor Doug Chin and Donna Kim with 40% of the vote to win the right to run against a sacrificial Republican in November.

The Ocasio-Cortez-backed candidate, democratic socialist Kaniela Ing, received only 6% of the vote despite OC campaigning for him personally this past week.

The Hill:

Case faced his toughest challenges from Hawaii Lt. Gov. Doug Chin and former state Senate President Donna Mercado Kim.

Chin, who was appointed to lieutenant governor in February, gained national recognition as attorney general for suing the Trump administration over every version of the travel ban. Trump announced his initial ban a week after taking office in late January 2017 and Hawaii sued shortly after that.

Mercado Kim, who’s been a state senator for 18 years, led the pack as the top fundraiser. She’s also held a number of local elected positions, including serving on the Honolulu City Council for 14 years.

Case also defeated state Rep. Kaniela Ing, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America who ran on a platform of single-payer health care and free college tuition.

Ing had gotten a boost from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a democratic socialist who pulled off a massive primary upset against a longtime incumbent in New York. She campaigned with Ing in the days ahead of Saturday’s primary.

Even Hawaii, one of the bluest states in the union, decisively rejected the socialist messaging of Ocasio-Cortez. It’s no different than the results from last Tuesday’s primaries where Democratic voters opted for less radical alternatives to “the future of the Democratic party.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Perjury Evidence Blacked Out by Minnesota Media By David Steinberg


According to CNN, 100 or more newspapers will publish editorials attacking President Trump on August 16.

Meanwhile, Minnesota’s largest newspapers — along with every other mainstream outlet in the country — just whiffed on covering this: Signed, notarized court documents and time-stamped photos showing the Democratic frontrunner for Minnesota’s highest-profile House seat appearing to commit perjury.

The common newsroom explanation, often valid, for having passed on a particular story — “we couldn’t independently verify it” — simply does not apply here. The evidence, reposted below, against Minnesota state Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-60B) consists of nothing but certified court filings and archived social media posts.

These court records are publicly available: Anyone can enter the Hennepin County District Court Records Center, sit at a self-service terminal, and retrieve them. The social media posts (which have since been deleted from Ilhan Omar’s and her ex-husband’s Instagram accounts) are easily verifiable by a novice, let alone a modern digital news outlet.

These court records do not describe decades-old college misdemeanors. They are from 2017.

This story was never obscure; the 2016 coverage of Rep. Omar’s marriage — which presumably motivated her filing for default divorce just a few months later — was global. Frankly, these court records may depict the most (only?) high-profile default divorce in U.S. political history.

If forced to provide an excuse, I expect most mainstream outlets will claim to have avoided the story because of its related salacious aspect: That Omar married her own brother to assist him in committing immigration fraud or some other crime. Yet even without regard for the (objectively convincing) evidence of that allegation, that excuse would be the most easily dismissed. We’ve seen how the nation’s mainstream newsrooms responded to an unverified “pee tape.”

Most importantly, however, the perjury evidence is entirely separate from the more sensational charge.