Left declares Trump’s concern about South African farm expropriations ‘racist dog whistle’ By Monica Showalter
See also Rick Moran’s: Did Trump endorse ‘white nationalist conspiracy theory’ in South Africa tweet?
A hideous specter is descending over the once-promising South African political landscape: Race hate. An end to property rights. Poverty. The grotesque inequality of all socialist regimes. And an inevitable Zimbabwe-like ruin.
The country of course, has rather insanely started expropriating the country’s white-owned farms without compensation, imagining that in doing so, its government will finally make black South Africans rich and equality the reality. It’s simple: End the niceties of rule of law, and all you do is add free stuff. Or, get your free stuff (and vote for us!) How’d that work out in Venezuela? Heck, how’d that work out in Zimbabwe next door? We are looking at the most prosperous and developed nation on the African continent about to become an absolute dump in a striking parallel to its fellow formerly rich country across the Atlantic, Venezuela.
To see this happen is astonishing. South Africa 20 years ago was a nation so full of promise in its commitment to a ‘non-racial’ society. To see a smart nation like this go off the cliff like another lemming in the name of ‘equality’, after all we know about how this works out elsewhere, shows the amazing disconnect from reality that infects the minds of socialists.
But don’t look at the left to recognize this.
Instead of expressing disgust at the end to rule of law and the beginning of tyranny of the majority over there, their response is to ignore the embarassing economics an call out President Trump’s concern about the matter a “racist dog whistle.’
Start with the hysteria from the Southern Poverty Law Center:

✔ @splcenter
Trump’s tweet last night about South African farmers is one of the most startling examples of this president indulging in racist thinking. http://bit.ly/2Msjr5z
Then there’s this rubbish from a Washington Post columnist:
Even if it was intended as a distraction from the legal madness of the week, President Donald Trump’s latest race-baiting message shouldn’t be ignored. The president tweeted a bizarre non sequitur on Wednesday, warning of the supposed perils facing white farmers in South Africa.
Trump said he had asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to “closely study” the “large scale killing” of white farmers in South Africa and the expropriation of their land. Trump’s concern was apparently prompted — like so much of his commentary on social media — by something he saw on Fox News, in this case a segment on Tucker Carlson’s evening show. Carlson, who has used his prime-time spot to broadcast fringe talking points from white nationalists, anti-feminists and far-right xenophobes, alleged that the State Department was standing aside as South African authorities carried out a campaign to dispossess whites.
With millions of Venezuelans pouring out of Venezuela as a result of these policies right now, why wouldn’t Trump have a foreign policy interest in knowing the nature of the hellhole to come from South Africa? The U.S. will very likely have to take the refugees and they won’t just come in the color white, given the mass ruin that follows from destroying property rights and instituting tyranny of the majority. Black farmers, as I noticed earlier, were already onto this and very reluctant to invest in even pro-offered expropriated lands given that such ill-gotten gains can be expropriated at any time again, depending on who holds political power. As I noted: Much better to take the money and run.
Trump in fact was looking at this seriously, quite unlike past presidents and regional leaders, who ignored the unfolding horror in Venezuela only to see it come back through human waves entering their country without passports as the inevitable byproduct.
The bottom line is that South Africa is headed for disaster and that disaster has nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with a war on economics – in its socialist redistribution programs that fail absolutely every time they are tried. Kudos to Trump, and unseriousness exposed, on the left.
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