Pro-Syria Muslim Murders 2 Syrian Women in UK Daniel Greenfield

This isn’t a terrorism story. Just one of those things that British taxpayers are on the hook for.

POLICE have raided a home in the hunt for a shopkeeper who is on the run after allegedly stabbing his ex-lover and her mum to death in Solihull.

Raneem Oudeh, 22 and Khaola Saleem, 49, “screamed like animals” after being stabbed yards from their home in the early hours of this morning.

Police are hunting shop worker Janbaz Tarin 21, on suspicion of murdering the women, who are originally from Damascus, Syria, and believed to have moved to the UK around 14 years ago.

Their bloodied bodies were found on a grass verge on the quiet affluent housing estate by West Midlands Police at around 12.30am on Monday.

Wanted Tarin claims on his Facebook page to be a cashier and has posted several pictures of himself working behind the counter at a convenience store.

He has also posted messages of support his homeland including “Save Syria” and signed petitions in support of Palestine.

Save Syria indeed.

Tonight cops raided an address where Tarin’s family are believed to live around five miles away in the Sparkhill area of Birmingham.

I had just written about Sparkhill so it doesn’t surprise me in the least.

Muslims make up over 1 in 5 persons of the population of this former British working-class stronghold. Sparkhill, named after the gently flowing Spark Brook, once a hub of British life, has had its history erased by the migrant flood, until it was dubbed by BBC’s Citizen Khan sitcom as “the capital of British Pakistan.” The Mermaid Inn, a local landmark pub which dated back centuries, was turned into an ethnic restaurant. Various other historic pubs have declined into grimy Pakistani eateries.

Sparkhill’s British past is becoming as much a matter of archeology as the Roman coins occasionally dug up under its streets. Its present is violent, murderous and Islamic. Its future is yet to be decided.

It’s only fitting that the “Capital of British Pakistan” should be at war with the British Parliament.

And the Capital of British Pakistan continues to produce dividends of peace and harmony. And murder.

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