A report by Avi Abelow at the Israel Unwired website on September 25, 2018 about Jews on the Temple Mount arrested for singing Hatikvah caused me to take a few extra blood pressure pills that day
https://israelunwired.com/arrested-on-the-temple-mount-for-singing-the-israeli-national-anthem/. Let’s check out some excerpts…
“A surreal scene took place near the holiest place for the Jewish People…After a few words of Torah in memory of Ari Fuld, who was murdered by a Muslim terrorist, a group of people sang Hatikvah…the Israeli national anthem. The reason police arrested them was because they sang it on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem…Thanks to appeasement to the intolerant, violent, terror-laden Muslim world, Israel now has strict laws against Jews. It forbids Jews from any Jewish activities on the holiest site to the Jewish people, the Temple Mount…After we were released…when we went back to the entrance to ask what was happening, the policeman yelled at us again and pushed us out. When I told him I was not used to a policeman shouting at me and pushing me, without explaining what I had done, he shouted at me: ‘Get used to it!’ ”
Violence at the Temple Mount and Western (“Wailing”) Wall–the former’s western retaining wall which remained after Rome destroyed the Second Temple in 70 C.E. during the first major revolt of the Jews for freedom and independence against the conqueror of much of the known world in 66-73 C.E.–is nothing new. Openhttp://q4j-middle-east.com to see one of the Judea Capta coins Rome minted to commemorate this conquest. Previous incidents of violence make this episode at the Temple Mount appear as child’s play–except perhaps for its much deeper and even more troublesome significance.
Besides Arabs shooting at, throwing stones, and such at Jews; Orthodox assaulting non-Orthodox Jews; and so forth, in July 2017, three Arab-Israelis left the Temple Mount and attacked Israeli border police. Two were killed and two more injured.
Frequently, such violence occurs because of rumors that Jews have plans to damage or eliminate the Muslim structures of conquest placed atop what Arabs renamed the Haram al-Sharif–the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque–at or near the site where the sacred Holy of Holies was located in both the Temple of Solomon and its successor built after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian Captivity, courtesy of ancient Iran’s Cyrus the Great. See what the Persian king had to say about this himself…http://cyruscylinder2013.com/2…..r-could-be/.
The Temple Mount is located on the Hebrew Bible’s Mount Moriah. And the Holy of Holies is said to sit over the site of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son with Sarah, Isaac, to show his devotion to G_d.
As Arabs would do with many other stories they only learned via the Hebrew Bible (regardless of whatever recitation–“Qur’an”–they say Muhammad heard from Allah via the Angel Gabriel, whom they also only learned of via that same Bible), which pre-date Muhammad’s sojourn with the Jews of Medina who hosted him during hisHijra(flight from enemies in Mecca) by millennia, they later replaced Isaac in this account with their own alleged ancestor, Ishmael.
Numerous, similar, thumb in the eye Islamic religious structures of victory were erected elsewhere as lands of the Dar al-Harb (Realm of War–lands of the “Infidel”) became part of the Dar ul-Islam via successive imperial Arab, Turk, and other Muslim colonizing invasions from the 7th century C.E. onwards.