Vengeance is Ours, Sayeth the Democrats….Edward Cline

One way to understand the depthless malice exhibited by the Democrats, Social Justice Warriors, the MSM, Hollywood, and other anti-Trump trolls and activists over the last two years is to grasp that the urge to flood the country – and Europe – with “illegal’ immigrants and to swamp Western culture under the demands of arrogant, predatory non-citizens who promised to smother it is to wreck vengeance on those who either voted for Trump or opposed borderless nations, and to have a taste of rape and theft. Americans will learn the hard way to conform to Democratic priorities, or suffer if they don’t.

One variation of the vengeance quotation is from Deuteronomy 32:35

‘Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them.’

Here in America, our vengeance is also to steal elections from the legitimate election of conservatives and other fascists by finding new Dem ballots behind soda vending machines, in secret storage facilities, and in Brenda Snipes’s purse.

Here in America, our first priority is to drown America and hold its head in the water until it dies. We can do that and not be called treasonous, even though that term means nothing to us, unless you suddenly advocate capitalism, individual rights, and the Constitution.

It is also to steal your guns and leave you helpless before our onslaught.

We’re going to encourage Antifa and other violent activists to harass Americans wherever they go to shop or eat, or at gas stations, or at home, and to make their lives miserable and unlivable. Pro-Trumpers will be mobbed and beaten in Wall-Marts, Targets, supermarkets, and churches.  We’re going to sanction using bike locks and fists and acid to put them down and to experience the pain of being pro-Trump voters. They will be charged with opposing the “freedom of speech” of activists if they fight back and injure an ally of the Democrats. The feet of our enemies will slip, and we will “kick ‘em”when they’re down. We will implement Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to the maximum. Calling us Leftists or any other name will not hurt us. We’re taking our power back.

We don’t care what we’re called. We’ll rule, and you’ll obey.

We also mean to silence you, to keep you ignorant of what we’re doing, and to keep you in the dark about how your friends are “resisting” our agenda. The social media tech giants – Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Amazon – will cooperate with us and remove venues and sites that oppose or criticize our actions and agenda. We will kill to regain our power and right to rule.

We’re going to nominate Robert Mueller as the new Attorney General.

We are going to get Trump removed from the White House one way or another, by hook or by crook. Mostly by crook; you know how we work. We are going to ask George Soros to become honorary President, if Hillary Clinton doesn’t quite make it to 2020. He deserves the recognition after all the help he has given us.

We are going to move that the Council on American-Islamic Relations be declared a valued and legitimate civil rights champion for all American Muslims.

We’re going to propose that the United States be renamed Meiriceá Láir.

American history will be rewritten to reflect its evil and racist origins and its continuing legacy as an oppressive system. Students will learn the “truth,” whatever that is.

We, the Democrats, will see justice, even if we have to twist some arms, or fake a few things.

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