Women’s Rights Activist: Linda Sarsour Is ‘Empowering’ Radical Islamic ‘Torture, Terror, Rape’ By Tyler O’Neil


Women’s March co-founder Linda Sarsour is “empowering” the radical Islam that oppresses women across the world, inspiring sex slavery, child marriage, and female genital mutilation, a best-selling author and women’s rights activist told PJ Media on Friday.

“Linda Sarsour is promoting Sharia law and misleading Americans,” Rabia Kazan, a best-selling author and president of the Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition, told PJ Media on Friday. “She never mentions child marriage, genital mutilation, or honor killings.”

“She’s empowering their side, not us,” Kazan said. “She’s encouraging these barbaric people. She’s encouraging them and contributing to them, to women being sold and girls being raped everyday.”

The Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition will endorse President Donald Trump for 2020 on Tuesday.

Kazan described the dire state of women in the Middle East. “Women and children are suffering under Sharia law and in the Middle East. Our girls are being sold into sexual slavery every single day,” she added. “Four-year-old babies are being sold to ISIS. Little girls aged seven to fourteen are being sold as child brides. This is pedophilia and rape by marriage.”

Under the influence of people warning about “Islamophobia,” the “whole world is thinking they are volunteers,” and Linda Sarsour is leading this effort.

“How many of us have to die?” she asked. “How many of us have to be raped before you take an action? Silence is killing us and President Trump is speaking.”

“Women like Linda Sarsour are misleading Americans to think that all women in the Middle East are happy to wear headscarves and to be slaves,” Kazan said. “She’s the one who is helping the people who are doing this to us.”

“She is encouraging those barbaric people in their torture, terror, rape,” the women’s rights advocate argued. “She’s helping them. She’s not defending our rights at all.”

“Shame on her. All the child brides and all honor killing victims, genital mutilation victims shame Linda Sarsour,” the Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition president declared. “She has done nothing for us.” CONTINUE AT SITE

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