The Democrats’ Stealth jihad By Amil Imani
For decades, the Democrat Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution while they bend over backward to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens, and anyone who hates America. The left is interested only in power and nothing else – even if it means to sacrifice our national security and advocate open borders.
The liaison between American Muslims and the Democratic Party is frequently described as a marriage of convenience, where Muslims will ally with leftist politicians, who will gladly cede some of their power to this group of enforcers so conservative politicians and Christians who advocate self-defense and sane social policies are kept out of office.
While America is in hibernation, Muslim organizations with the help of Democrats have been busy, working “stealthily” to change America in what is called “soft jihad.” Soft jihad is practiced where Muslims are not strong enough to unsheathe the sword of jihad, where the true nature of Islam is exposed and when the public would likely stamp them out. A critical tool of soft jihad involves penetration of the American educational system, such as Da’wa, the religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims and strengthen the Islamic Ummah.
America is on a precarious path to lose its freedom and American values we have cherished for over 200 years. We must accept that the current Democratic Party is no longer the party of Kennedy. It has become the greatest threat to our national security and our survival as a nation.
Many Americans are confused as to why Democrats back Islamic ideology, honor their holidays and customs, and promote Islam as “the religion of peace,” knowing that Islam is not a religion of peace. In fact, it is an ideology of war. The answer is quite simple: the Democratic Party stands with anyone who dislikes America and the Republican Party. History has proven that once Muslims reach close to 10% in population, they institute sharia law and adopt their own legal system – a government within a government.

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