Amy Klobuchar reportedly threw office supplies at employees during outbursts By Marisa Schultz

WASHINGTON – In the latest allegations of staff mistreatment against Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a new report says she tried to exact revenge on employees who sought new jobs by calling their bosses to have their offers rescinded.

Three former staffers and another source told Yahoo News about the alleged employment practice, which they saw as “vindictive, mystifying and counterproductive,” the site said, and an indication of how far she would go.

The new claim comes after other bad headlines for Klobuchar in the last week where former staffers reported hellish conditions working for the Minnesota senator who has portrayed herself as “Midwestern nice.”

“If you can’t treat the people closest to you with respect,” one former staffer told Yahoo News, “I don’t trust you to treat the American people with respect.”

Staffers said they were subject to outbursts over little matters and even office objects were thrown. Klobuchar would fixate on a minor mistake in an internal document, prompting late-night phone calls and all-caps emails. A seemingly inconsequential matter could turn into a cruel and humiliating “multi-day affair,” staffers said.

Klobuchar, who kicked off her presidential bid Sunday, has one of the highest staff turnover rates in Congress. The stories about the alleged mistreatment are coming out now as former staffers say she’s not equipped to run the White House.

“The way she treats staff is disqualifying,” a former aide said.

The Yahoo report follows reporting last week from the Huffington Post and BuzzFeed News that revealed claims from former staff saying Klobuchar was a grueling boss. Yahoo and other outlets all said they also talked to some staff who praised the Democrat.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Klobuchar pushed back. She said she has consistency with her staff and noted her chief of staff has worked for her for five years, state director for seven years and campaign manager for 12 years.

Klobuchar didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on the latest allegations. But she has previously said, “I know I can be too tough sometimes and I can push too hard. That’s obvious, but a lot of it is because I have high expectations for myself, I have high expectations for the people that work with me. And, mostly, I’m going to take the high expectations and bring them out to the country because if we want to really get these things done.”

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