Of course, efforts to get other countries to stay nuclear-free might stand a better chance if Trump had not recently withdrawn from the INF Treaty. He also appears intent on enlarging America’s already-substantial nuclear arsenal for the first time in decades. “Do as I say, not as I do” is generally a poor strategy, no matter the issue.

Some problems get so big, they can’t be solved. They can only be managed. The U.S. foreign policy establishment has not admitted that North Korea’s nuclear program has moved into that category, but it should be apparent to just about everybody else. So it is time to try to move to a world in which we live with North Korea having nukes so that, well, we can live.

The process may be messy, America’s hawks will complain endlessly, and it will get tiresome to hear Trump promote himself for a Nobel Peace Prize over the next year. But if the result saves lives, so be it. Pursuing peace with North Korea is the right thing to do.