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May 2019

No Surprise Here: Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Impeaching Attorney General Barr by Matt Margolis


In the past week, it has become clear that Democrats have seen the writing on the wall that impeaching Trump would be a bad political move, and have since set their sights on Attorney General Barr, hoping for greener pastures. Nancy Pelosi has accused him of perjury, and many on the left, including congressional leaders, 2020 candidates, pundits, and celebrities, have called for Barr’s impeachment.

Unfortunately for them, fewer voters believe Barr should be impeached. According to a new Rasmussen poll, “Voters think their threats against President Trump, Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh are going nowhere.” A whopping 71 percent of voters think it is unlikely that the House of Representatives will impeach Trump, Barr, or Brett Kavanaugh. Only 22 percent believe impeachment of any of them is likely.

I’m Glad Citizen Journalists Are Out There, Giving Us More Choice By John Stossel


“I’m not going to let them bully me out of reporting,” said Tim Pool after recording an Antifa protest where angry activists cursed at him. There might have been violence, but Antifa’s “de-escalation team” protected him, he says.

That surprised me. “Antifa has a de-escalation team?” I ask Pool in my latest internet video.

“They have people who try and make sure nobody from their side starts it — because cameras are rolling,” he answered.

Pool is part of the new media that now cover stories the mainstream media often miss.

I’ve become part of that new media, too. I still work at Fox, but now most of my video views (117 million plus) come from short videos I post on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Pool considers himself a man of the left. He supported Bernie Sanders and once worked for Vice. But now he often finds himself criticizing his fellow leftists.