Right-wing documentary filmmaker enters Dem presidential race By Tal Axelrod


Conservative documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz announced Wednesday that he is running in the Democratic presidential primary to disrupt the party’s nominating process.

“The Democratic Party has become the party of socialism, open borders and late-term abortions. They’ve become so radicalized over the past several years that I feel compelled to try to bring some sanity into the discussion,” Horowitz said in an announcement video posted to Twitter.

“So if you want to see me throw an intellectual hand grenade on the Democratic debate stage and hold them accountable, go to AmiForAmerica.com and donate some money. Send some cash. Anything!”

Horowitz wrote in a tweet announcing his candidacy that he is soliciting donations to reach the threshold of 65,000 individual donors set by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in order to appear on the primary debate stage next month.

He told The Hill that he is “pretty confident” he will garner the necessary funds, noting that he’s already raked in 2,756 donations in two hours before his website crashed.

Horowitz is unlikely to achieve the DNC’s polling threshold of hitting at least 1 percent on three different nationally recognized surveys.

The DNC has said it will prioritize candidates who meet both thresholds if more than 20 contenders qualify for the debates. The primary field has already ballooned to 22 candidates.

Horowitz has produced several conservative documentaries and is well-known for his 2009 film “U.N. Me,” a satirical production that is critical of the United Nations. He also produced “Stockholm Syndrome” in 2016, a 10-minute video that seeks to draw a connection between an increase in refugees arriving in Sweden and a rise in murders and rapes, a popular narrative among right-wing media outlets.

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