Former Canadian PM Openly Roots for Destruction of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago During Storm By Rick Moran

Whoever said Canadians were nicer than Americans?

Former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell, who served for 5 months in 1993, let loose her inner Freddie Krueger when she daydreamed about the horrific destruction that could very well be visited on Florida during Hurricane Dorian.

New York Post:

“I’m rooting for a direct hit on Mar a Lago!” Campbell, who served as the 19th Canadian prime minister for less than five months in 1993,  tweeted on Thursday.

Dorian could become a Category 5 hurricane by the time it makes landfall Monday — with current projections indicating that the Palm Beach property remains in the “cone of uncertainty” about where it strikes.

Campbell faced backlash for her tweet, with many calling it “embarrassing” and “disgusting,” but she doubled down on her wish and told critics to “get a grip.”

Her critics “get a grip”? What kind of subhuman piece of flotsam wishes destruction anywhere? No doubt Campbell enjoyed pulling the wings off of flies as a child.

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