Meet the ‘super pro-cop’ gorgeous young Latina running for Congress who calls herself ‘the anti-AOC’ By Thomas Lifson

Catalina Lauf is 26 years old and running for Congress in Illinois, hoping to unseat a Democrat incumbent and push aside Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the youngest woman ever to be elected to Congress.  Kyle S. Reyes of Law Enforcement Today writes:

She’s a young Latina. She’s from Illinois.  She’s running for Congress.  And she’s the polar opposite of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

She’s conservative. She’s smart.  She’s gorgeous.  She supports law enforcement.  She actually loves America.  Her idol is Ronald Reagan.  And she’s not afraid to ruffle feathers.

Photo via Law Enforcement Today.

Her name is Catalina Lauf, and she’s 26-years-old.  Her goal is to steal a Democratic-held seat outside Chicago.

Ms. Lauf announced her bid for the GOP primary in the 14th Congressional District of Illinois, a GOP-leaning district covering a swath of western suburbs of Chicago.


In the last census, Illinois 14 was 85.8% white, 12.2% Hispanic, 3.8% Asian, and 2.9% black, and it is rated by the Cook Political Report as leaning Republican by 5%.  In the 2018 election, Democrat Laura Underwood defeated Republican incumbent Randy Hultgren with a 5% margin of victory as part of a midterm wave of suburban districts going donkey.

According to AT’s polling guru Richard Baehr, if Lauf is able to clear the GOP field and get on the general election ballot, she has a good chance of winning the seat.

As Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has demonstrated, a good-looking young woman who speaks out with attention-grabbing rhetoric can have an impact on the national debate, even in the face of progrssive media.  The national media would find the comparison irresistible.

Hat tip: Richard Baehr.

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