It’s Christmas in September for federal agencies

Help us stop the use-it-or-lose-it year-end spending spree.

We’re shining a white-hot spotlight on the largest extravaganza of taxpayer waste in the history of the country. It’s going on right now.

It’s the last week of the fiscal year and federal agencies are spending down their budgets so that Congress will appropriate the same or more money next year.

Last night, on the largest ABC station in the country and their affiliates, our CEO Adam Andrzejewski, alongside U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), showcased some of the wasteful spending — furniture, cars, musical instruments, toys, games, motor scooters, snowmobiles, golf carts, and of course, lobster tail and snow crab. 

Senator Ernst is taking the lead in Congress.  She’s armed with her legislation (SB 1238), The End of Year Fiscal Responsibility Act.

This bill would slap a cap on blow off year-end spending… and stop it!

Ernst is serious about ending this tax-payer abuse. She is scheduled to deliver a Senate floor speech on the issue, our oversight, and her legislation, on Tuesday, September 24.

Stay tuned for more updates as the story develops.


Remember: It’s your money!




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