Hillary Clinton’s Impossible Dream Fletch Daniels,

Hillary Clinton, still suffering from delusions of adequacy, has a dream.  It is that Democrats will beg her to run again and be their savior.  After all, she recently celebrated her historic 2016 win against President Donald Trump during an interview with Judy Woodruff.

Mark Levin: This is how we know Pelosi & Schumer’s walkout was ‘staged’

Wednesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin commented on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s “staged” walkout of a meeting with President Trump.

“I’ve had several discussions with the president over the course of a few years, and he’s a kibitzer, and he jokes and he needles, and as I wasn’t there, but Kevin McCarthy and a number of Republicans were there, and they say it was Schumer and Pelosi, particularly Pelosi, who was rude to the president,” Levin said.
The Democrats — Who They Are, What they Want and How to Confront Them
Alexander G. Markovsky

Every time the Democratic presidential contenders take the stage, we witness a stunning display of the Democratic Party’s ideological conversion to a Marxist-sponsored socialist cartel. In pursuit of utopian/egalitarian virtue, the party has adopted the language of the ideology and is growing perpetually out of sync with American liberties.

In a frightening sense of déjà vu, the downsized American replicas of Leon Trotsky, Nikolai BukharinClara Zetkin, and Rosa Luxemburg are seeking to impose the moralities of a flawed society through seductive promises of fairness and equality with an intensity and passion that rivals that of their precursors a century earlier. However, unlike the originals, the candidates are hardly thinkers or mavericks; they sound like pedestrian opportunists having no intellectual basis and as such are unable to define independent philosophical identities.

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