Watching Schiff’s trumped up inquiry about nothing but a phone call, the transcript of which has been available to the public for many weeks, is like watching The Caine Mutiny (1954) without the drama.

The ‘Coup Klutz Clan’: The Pistol-toting Gang That Just Can’t Shoot Straight Judi McLeod

Infamy will forever define all members of the ‘Coup Klutz Clan’, depicted here in the cartoon caricatures of Canada Free Press cartoonist, Dag Barkley.

In the end, it will not be their crazed impeachment demands that will define the ‘Coup Klutz Clan’ but INFAMY—‘The Pistol-toting Gang That Just Can’t Shoot Straight’.

After all the histrionics of Adam Schiff televised LIVE at the Impeachment ‘Inquiry’ with one bureaucrat after another having to admit they have no evidence of wrong doing by President Donald Trump, they’re shooting themselves in their own feet.

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