John Kerry comes up with a politico-celebrity cavalcade to lecture us on global warming By Monica Showalter

Welp. Looks like having just one Davos, that unholy celebrity-business-politico festival of globaloney held in elite Switzerland, isn’t enough.

John Kerry is creating what sounds like another, a cavalcade of the usual big names of has-beens and never-brains for the purpose of lecturing all us pudknockers about global warming, jetting in and out on plumes of carbon compounds. He calls it “World War Zero” because we’re supposed to be panicking, and thus, giving up our tremendous freedoms and way of life to … them, probably so they can make money.

Here’s the New York Times piece:

WASHINGTON — John Kerry, the former senator and secretary of state, has formed a new bipartisan coalition of world leaders, military brass and Hollywood celebrities to push for public action to combat climate change.

The name, World War Zero, is supposed to evoke both the national security threat posed by the earth’s warming and the type of wartime mobilization that Mr. Kerry argued would be needed to stop the rise in carbon emissions before 2050. The star-studded group is supposed to win over those skeptical of the policies that would be needed to accomplish that.

Former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter are part of the effort. Moderate Republican lawmakers like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former governor of California, and John Kasich, the former governor of Ohio, are on the list. Stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, Sting and Ashton Kutcher round out the roster of more than 60 founding members. Their goal is to hold more than 10 million “climate conversations” in the coming year with Americans across the political spectrum.

With a starting budget of $500,000, Mr. Kerry said, he and other coalition members intend to hold town meetings across the country starting in January. Members will head to battleground states key to the 2020 election, but also to military bases where climate discussions are rare and to economically depressed areas that members say could benefit from clean energy jobs.

Townhalls? Who’d volunteer to listen to this nonsense unless they were already in the tank for this kind of nonsense anyway? Especially from these people? Leonardo DiCaprio? Sting? Is Alyssa Milano going to join the cavalcade, too? The Times didn’t say.

A gander at their site doesn’t want to tell us much about the line-up, either. We see Cindy McCain and Madeleine Albright and Meg Whitman on their front page slick website.

A trip to World War Zero’s Instagram pages notes a meager list of those followed to just 15 specially chosen ones, including Ted “blackface” Danson, Richard Branson, Susan Rice and a bunch of B-list celebs I’ve never heard of. They’re probably Club of 60 members, too. In any case, same old tired Davos crowd in this “unlikely allies” coalition, plus additional Hollywood morons. ‘Unlikely’ is laughable, these guys are ‘most likely.’

A trip to their Twitter shows them following 21 politicos and celebs — Kerry, Schwarzenegger, DiCaprio, Kasich, Kutcher, Hillary Clinton (expect her to show up at some of these if there’s money involved), Bill Clinton (gotta get his snoot in, too), Stanley McChrystal, McCain, Danson, Branson, Rice and some no-names. Most of those guys are probably founding members, too.

A trip to the Facebook page doesn’t tell anything, other than the group is listed as a political organization, partnered with something called the American Security Project, so lucky us, they’re going to get very political with their pieties. And who is the American Security Project? A bunch of pious nevertrump beltway swamp things, in a think tank led by Gary Hart, with Meg Whitman again, Chuck Hagel, John Kerry again, and some annoying no-names onboard.

Who the heck wants to listen to a lecture about going without electricity, meat or air travel from the likes of rich beer heiress Cindy McCain?

The whole thing is nonsense, They aren’t going to convert anyone with their town halls but they will probably position themselves like the Swedish interests backing young Greta Thunberg (whom they feature but don’t follow on their social media pages) to make money off political action and grandstanding. They do say they want to organize lots of Greta-style protests. Young Greta’s backers, as I noted here, are green energy barons intent on getting legislation passed so that people will be forced to buy their products and they can make a killing. They’re doing it on the Al Gore model of buckmaking, and Kerry’s guys likely are too.

Anyplace you see a Clinton name, after all, you know there’s a money trough somewhere around.

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