DPS Note:
This was a terrific rally and enormously encouraging to see so many people get off their sofas on a Sunday and walk across the Brooklyn Bridge in cold weather to make their point.
But ……Some of it annoyed me – a lot.For example, as reported, Gov. Cuomo denounced “discrimination, racism and antisemitism” …..
But he didn’t denounce the new State Law which he proudly signed which puts violent anti-Semites back on the street the same day as they’re arrested, with no bail and no regard for their being a continuing danger to the community.
He’s at a rally which is the result of an appalling number of attacks on Jews by Jew haters. The whole point of the outpouring of anger and emotion was to demonstrate against anti-Semitism. But the good Governor couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t just say that anti-Semitism is bad. He had to throw in discrimination and racism to cover all the required politically correct bases so no one can accuse him of favoring the Jews.  READ IT ALL
Don’t get me wrong. The only discrimination I favor is when it’s a matter of being discriminating in choosing the people with whom you associate and are associated with – people like Ocasio-Cortes  Omar, Tlaib and Pressley – all fellow Democrats and none of whom the good Governor has seen fit to reprimand for their outspoken anti-Semitism.
And, if you read the AP report which is linked to in paragraph three in the report below you’ll read that New York Senators Schumer and Gillibrand were also in attendance at this march. Two more mute Democrats when it comes to calling out anti-Semites amongst themselves. For my money they ought to have been ashamed to have been at the rally. Gillibrand actually defends people like Omar.
And finally, if you read the AP report, you’ll find that Gov. Cuomo did not, as is reported below, pledge “$45 million in state funding for security around Jewish sites and institutions.”
Rather, he “announced {that} a state grant program that gives out funding to improve security measures against hate crimes at religious-based organizations would have an additional $45 million available, and said a state hotline had been created for people to call if they experience discrimination.
So, an existing state grant program is going to get another $45 million of OPM to do what with exactly? 
Presumably, the grant program has been around for a while and is just getting some more money. What has it done so far? Who has asked for and gotten money from it? How much of that money and future monies will actually go to securing Jewish sites (How do you do that, by the way? Give out grants to help synagogues hire armed guards? Put concrete blocks around Jewish Day Schools? Buy bullet proof tallises?). Dollars to donuts, the Muslim Sharia Patrol organization in Brooklyn will be applying for grant money to buy more NYPD look-alike patrol cars to allegedly safeguard mosques.
And a new state hotline for people to call if “they experience discrimination.”
Golly gee. That’s going to do a lot of good when another African American citizen of Brooklyn attacks a visibly Orthodox Jew on the streets of Brooklyn.
What on earth will a new generic hotline telephone number do to help stop anti-Semitic attacks on Jews? It’s just another hotline for anyone who thinks they’re being discriminated against. You mean until now there’s been no one to call? And if there has been someone to call, has anyone been saved from anti-Semitism by calling?
Oh yes. I almost forgot to note that New York City Mayor De Blasio was also at the rally. He’s a really well known philo-Semite. With friends like him …..
But with all that, I am heartened to have seen so many Jews (and others) actually bestirring themselves to do something visible about what is happening in New York City – and all over the world. It’s about damn time. Now don’t go back to your sofas. Stay on your feet and keep doing!

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