Democrats Playing Fast and Loose with Term ‘Whistleblower’ to Launch Another Trump Investigation By 

Sen. Chuck Schumer is off on yet another desperado Democrat Wild Goose Chase—this time calling on 74 Inspectors General to Investigate President Trump for “Retaliation Against Whistleblowers”.

“Retaliation Against Whistleblowers”?

Come off it Sergeant Schmuck!  There are no “whistleblowers” against whom to retaliate, only “leakers”.  In this case, Adam Schiff-appointed leakers like the one whose alleged name social media giant Google will not allow to stand.

“It’s odd the way each failed Democratic investigation into President Trump seems to segue into the next. A mere five days after President Trump’s acquittal, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) has called upon 74 inspectors general for “immediate action to investigate any and all instances of retaliation against whistleblowers.”

The Democrat Party Keeps Picking Terrible Candidates!Rich Lowry

After 2016, the Democratic establishment would have been justified in getting out of the business of presidential politics.

It swung so strongly behind Hillary Clinton that it discouraged any serious contenders from getting in the race. Her competition was a motley collection of people who didn’t get the message or didn’t care — including a no-hope socialist from Vermont named Bernie Sanders.

Because politics abhors a vacuum, Sanders became the anti-Hillary candidate and the leader of a movement that four years later threatens to take over the Democratic Party.

But that’s getting ahead of the story. Fortified by endorsements from anyone who mattered and the lockstep support of Democratic donors, with even the debate schedule fashioned to suit her ­interests, Hillary won the nomination as scripted — and proceeded to lose the general election to a ­rival who had a 37 percent approval rating on Election Day.

Former CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera will challenge Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in House Democratic primary

  • Former longtime CNBC correspondent and anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera filed late Monday to run for Congress in New York’s 14th District.
  • The seat is currently held by Democratic freshman firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
  • Caruso-Cabrera will run as a Democrat in the primary this year.


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