Islamists are feeling the pulse of France France risks a breakdown according to ethnic and religious lines. It is a gradual process of balkanization, at best, or of open conquest in the worst case. Giulio Meotti
“Islamic ideologues work in the same way on both shores of the Mediterranean: what they did twenty or thirty years ago in the Maghreb, they do it today in France. If these Islamist ecosystems continue, they will speak for our Muslim companions. In the event of an extreme right reaction or electoral victory, we will be in a civil war scenario”.
This is the scenario outlined on Le Figaro by Bernard Rougier, academic and Arabist author of the new book “Les territoires conquis de l’Islamisme”. This is the scenario on which Emmanuel Macron spoke on Tuesday. He explained that French Muslims have their place in the national community, they are French among the French, but that [their intention is that] there will be laws of Islam on French soil.
Macron said that the republican ideal is not an empty space but a historical reality whose density is urgently needed and everyone must be respected. Macron said it from Mulhouse, in Alsace, where Islamists are working on a space that takes charge of all aspects of life by placing them under Islamist control, a real enclave – financed by Qatar and Turkey.
Macron launched a campaign against political Islam and what he calls “Islamist separatism” in some French cities, announcing measures to strengthen controls over the external financing of mosques, to end the nomination by Algeria, Morocco and Turkey of 300 imams per year in France and ban Turkish and Arabic courses. Imams, Macron said, are often related to Salafism or the Muslim Brotherhood and “preach against the republic”.
The Macron administration has designated 47 French districts for a “republican reconquest”. Macron also went down hard against Turkey. “We cannot have Turkey’s laws on French soil”, warned the head of the Elysée. In response, President of the Turkish parliament Mustafa Sentop chastised his “primitive Islamophobia”.
It is with a letter in the magazine Marianne that 60 French intellectuals turn to Macron. “Mr. President of the Republic, some of us support you, others oppose you. Any concessions will only convince secessionist Islam of our weakness and encourage it to ask for more and more”. The appeal was signed by Muslim authors such as Kamel Bencheikh, Zineb El Rhazoui and Mohamed Louizi; the philosopher Jean-François Braunstein and the essayist Pascal Bruckner; the sociologist Nathalie Heinich and the research director of Cnrs Philippe d’Iribarne; and again the journalist Yves Mamou and the Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal; rounded out with the historian of ideas Pierre-André Taguieff and Pierre Vermeren, professor of History at the Sorbonne.
Doubts remain. Why not decide on banning the Salafist groups and the Muslim Brotherhood? We are talking about imam training. But from whom? And to teach them what? It is not enough to have an intellectual knowledge of Republican rules to adhere to them and give up preaching a separatist Islam.
France is the great “patient” of Europe. It has the largest Islamic community on the Old Continent, one tenth of the total population; almost half of European Jews live in France; and the country has a tradition of freedom and intellectual and cultural secularism absent elsewhere. This has generated the chaos of civilizations that we see every day, unless we are looking in bad faith or blind..
If 20 years ago they had told us what is happening today, we would have laughed. Yet it happened. And it is happening with a 10 percent Islamic population.We have the Islamization of entire neighborhoods (at least 150 for the government); daily anti-Semitism with massacres of French Jews, their flight to Israel (60,000 in ten years) and their internal departure, with large departments such as Seine-Saint-Denis now emptied of 80 per cent of their Jews; and then journalists, writers and intellectuals under police escort. And a significant part of the French Left is now lined up for electoral patronage with political Islam in the “neighborhoods”.
France risks a breakdown according to ethnic and religious lines. It is a gradual process of balkanization, at best, or of open conquest in the worst case.
If 20 years ago they had told us what is happening today, we would have laughed. Yet it happened. And it is happening with a 10 percent Islamic population. The Pew Forum, the world’s largest analytical institute, tells us that France will be 20 percent Islamic within a generation. What will happen then? And what will happen when, in two generations, if 30-40 per cent will be Muslims?
In 1970 there were a hundred mosques in France, today there are more than 2,450. “We are at the terminal stage of Catholicism”, said Jerome Fourquet, the most respected French sociologist of the moment. De-Christianization and Islamization go hand in hand.
The hour is serious, as Bernard Rougier said. Two days ago, waiting for Macron in Mulhouse, there was a woman in a niqab, the Islamic outfit from head to toe. It was forbidden by French law. But the Islamism of the conquest was feeling the pulse of France.
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